(ThyBlackMan.com) Tensions are high. Tension between political parties. Tension between races. Tension between religions. Tension between those in authority and the people. There was tension between our presidential nominees: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Tension between red states and blue states. In fact tension seems to be everywhere in the world today!
For the Christian, this unmistakable tension can bring great concern, unsettling worry, and sleepless nights. The follower of Jesus may be asking: “What if the wrong person has gotten elected as President?” “What if my guy or girl botched the race for the Whitehouse?” “What will happen now that my candidate has lost?” Are you ready for a comforting truth? Christians will gain no matter who prevails. Whether President-Elect Donald Trump “drains the swamp” or not.
That may seem like a strange statement, but it is true. Let’s first dispel a false mindset that could supervene from that statement. If Christians win either way the political direction goes, does that mean that Christians should not fear? In fact, the Bible states; God has not given us the Spirit of fear but of power, love and a Sound mind… (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV). Christians should not worry, and they should pray in a way the Spirit leads them to. Do pray. Just don’t worry about the effects of the obvious outcome, especially if the one you voted for has lost, namely, Hillary Clinton or any other local, State, or national candidate for public office in this past election cycle; because even if the person a believer supports has lost, the Christian still wins. How?
Here are three reasons why Christians win no matter who is president:
1. God Is Sovereign
Since God is sovereign, and the reality that Clinton vs. Trump race was won by Donald Trump as he now serves as President-Elect. God will orchestrate the entire process so that the winner, President-elect Trump will be obligated to fulfill his will. God’s purposes may be different than what we expect or even want. He may have had Trump elected in order to bring peace, prosperity, and success to America on His terms; not Trump’s. Some already say that Trump will bring disappointment and desolation to America, and God may use that as a way to bring His judgment to a nation that refuses to listen to Him or follow Him. But, God’s ultimate plan will be realized through this past national election. Romans 13:1 says: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God (NIV). Have you noticed that? The authorities that exist are in authority because God has given them that authority. Since President-Elect Trump has won the election let’s get on with our lives. God’s plan will be unfolding in Spiritual terms. God’s perfect will is what will come about. Christians win when it’s God’s will that is done; even though it may appear to put a bitter taste in one’s mouth.
2. This World Is Not Our Home
Christians know that this world is not our home. We are merely passing through. Therefore, followers of Christ are not relying on the inhabitants of the Whitehouse to bring about the quality of life that ultimately only can be experienced in heaven. No matter who the President is, there are going to be struggles in this life. But a follower of Christ is fine with that because the Christian is looking forward to the next life more than worrying about all the details of this existence; therefore, our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20, NIV). Christians win because our heavenly home is waiting for us regardless as to the fact that Donald Trump has won the election for president of the United States and will assume the office officially on January 20, 2017.
3. We Don’t Depend on the President
Christians know to depend on the Lord, not on the government. Psalm 146 says it this way:
Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save….
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
Whose hope is in the Lord their God (Psalm 146:3, 5, NIV).
Believers in Christ know that Jesus is the only One in whom we can put our trust. We want good people governing, but we are depending on the Lord. We want our civil officials, be it mayor, governor, senator, congressman as well as city and state lawmakers crafting the right calculations that are in the best interest of the people in this country, without regard to race religion, gender or political affiliation; but our hope is in God.
When the world is crashing in all around us and when tensions are exploding everywhere we turn to Him as followers of Christ. Believers do not look to Washington D.C. for solutions. Christians call on the God of our creation to intervene. God is the only One who can fix the struggles with racism. The Lord is the One who can bring peace between Muslims and Jews and Christians. The Sovereign One on His throne will ultimately determine the political successes of this election season. We know now that person is Donald Trump. Will he fulfill the promises he has made during the election campaign? We don’t know that answer, yet. This writer is fully persuaded that the President-Elect Trump, whether he believes it or not; will fulfill the promises God has ordained for us as Christians. And, since God is still in control, remember the promise of Proverbs 21:1 (NIV) which states emphatically; In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that He channels toward all who please him. Translated…It’s a no-brainer: Christians have won either way… just don’t forget to acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:6)! Happy New Year!
Staff Writer; Stanley G. Buford
Feel free to connect with this brother via Twitter; Stanley G. and alsofacebook; http://www.facebook.com/sgbuford.
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