Six Types Of Bigots That Exist In Society, Especially In America.

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( There are plenty of types of bigots that are ever present in society and they are all around us from politicians to the news anchors.

Intro: Here are the types of bigots that exist in society, especially in America.

1. Social Media Bigots – These are the types of bigots that use social media to show their true colors to basically tell everyone how they feel about certain groups of people, especially black people.

Example: A young caucasoid teen girl had recently made bigoted statements on social media saying that black people don’t deserve to have the same rights as they do and not only that, she even called us “angry, lazy, needy, and violent” which is very consistent with the racial stereotypes that Fox News loves to portray us as. 123bigots

2. Covert bigots – These are types of political bigots that use very covert tactics to get us to vote for them.

Example: Hillary for the past two years was constantly pandering to our community by coming in black churches, black barbershops, etc just to manipulate us into voting for her and she has a long history of bigotry from her support of mass incarceration to calling young black men “super predators” 20 years ago.

3. Academia Bigots – These types of bigots are ones in academia that often punish black scholars for getting out of line.

Example: When black scholars says things that they don’t understand let alone appreciate, the bigots will do everything to their ability to not only humiliate them, but also try to ruin their careers by blackballing, demoting, and then firing them.

4. Corporate Bigots – These are the types of bigots that will not hire black people based on their skin color and even in some cases their name.

Example: If an employer looks at a job application and sees certain black names like Jamal or Yolanda, they will discriminate against those certain black people with black names by basically saying “we don’t have any openings at this time” then throw their applications in the trash.

5. Voyeuristic Bigots aka Cultural Vultures – These are the types of bigots that will deliberate appropriate another group’s culrure without giving the proper acknowledgement or respect to it.

Example: The Kardashians constantly appropriate black female culture by getting liposuction, booty injections, cornrows, braids, etc.

6. Mainstream News Bigots – These are bigots who report on certain types of stories by deliberately portraying certain groups of people in a very negative light to the general public.

Example: On Fox News, black males are portrayed as criminals, gangsters, and thugs. Arabs are portrayed as extremists and terrorists. Hispanics are portrayed as illegal immigrants.

The Conclusion – To get a better understanding of how bigots act and operate, you have to study their behavior on a much larger scale that goes beyond just attitudes.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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