(ThyBlackMan.com) INTRODUCTION.
Voting is something new to me.
Other than learning about civic rights and duties of citizens in Law School,
I have never fully experienced what it meant to be a full citizen.
Raised in refuge and denied rights conferred on normal nationals for over twenty-two years,
I never expected to vote someday in my life,
But thank God for changing times and realities of dear life,
I voluntarily repatriated to Rwanda and come next year,
I am eligible to vote but who am I going to endorse?
My vote being special in all forms,
My candidate of choice ought to be exceptional as well.
I have lived and experienced at firsthand how much involved the current Rwandan President is in ordinary people’s lives.
He listens more than he talks.
This could be illustrated in his various social policies;
The SACCO initiative-cooperatives empowering ordinary Rwandans to save their money and incidentally secure a better future for themselves and their families,
The abolishment of roofings made of leaves where the government gave modern roof sheets to all Rwandans,
The UMUDUGUDU initiative-a remarkable endeavor that has brought development close to people’s homes,
Integrated them,
Encouraged solidarity amongst villagers and most importantly,
Has enabled them to enjoy running potable water at their proximity,
Electricity is prevalent all across the country to mention just a few developmental projects undertaken under PAUL KAGAME’ s tenure of office.
I cannot help but speak for myself.
After all,
This piece is premised on the reasons why I am going to support MZEE.
I for one have a story that clearly shows how loving the Rwandan President is to the Rwandan Refugees out there.
A former refugee himself,
Mr. Kagame has made it his Number 1 Policy to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of Rwandan refugees scattered all over the world,
Millions have thus far returned at their own volition.
Rwanda’s success story has inspired them to do so but others are still there.
Most of them ignorant of Rwanda’s political development or simply held hostage by extremists who participated in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi,
They fear the unknown and remain clustered in a cycle they barely understand.
Good will always conquer evil.
The UN Cessation Clause on the refugee status of Rwandan Refugees is slowly becoming operational in many countries.
Zambia took the lead.
And everyone has come to understand that there is no credible reason why Rwandans must continue living in refuge.
Rwanda is peaceful,
Stable and currently a model where development is concerned in Africa and beyond.
Unless Rwandans are running away from progress,
The other stories lack any substance whatsoever.
I returned to Rwanda over six (6) months ago.
Life is normal as usual.
My property has being restituted to me.
I have being locally integrated by the government of Rwanda.
Although a former critic of the current Rwandan government,
I have been more than facilitated.
What do others fear when no one has a problem with them in Rwanda given their little to no exposure?
Rwanda changed for good and forever.
The country that was a failed state two decades ago can now compete with economic giants in Africa like Kenya.
The ICT sector in Rwanda is unparalleled within the Eastern community.
Rwandans have reconciled.
They will never be another genocide.
The Tutsi-Hutu divide is non-existent.
Rwandans are united and they only want to develop their country as one people united by one purpose-A BETTER AND PROSPEROUS RWANDA.
And all the above are Rwandan President PAUL KAGAME’s legacy,
Why give my vote to someone else?
Staff Writer; Lionel Nishimwe
We are an ‘ ADVOCACY AGENCY’ that specialises in DISPUTE SETTLEMENT in liaison with relevant ‘LEGAL ADVOCATES’. Can visit our official “fanpage” over at Facebook; Lionel Nishimwe & Ngandu Consultancy.
May contact this brother at; lionelngayaboshya@gmail.com.
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