(ThyBlackMan.com) Barack Obama’s legacy is about to be undone as anything other than a Nobel Peace Prize winner who conducted non-stop drone warfare and the questionable fate of the Affordable Care Act. He is the first half African and half Caucasian-American President of the United States. He was raised as us, but not with us, or by us for if he would have been, then he certainly would have known not to make the fatal mistake that allowed the current President-Elect to rise to power.
I’m not quite sure why Mrs. Obama didn’t or couldn’t stop him, but the day that Barack Hussein Obama put his Birth Certificate on display for the world to witness was the day that Massa Trump broke him. Most of us descendants of slaves understand what surrendering that document was. It was an utter submission to the whip. In this case, the whip was media driven and not back scarring. Barack Obama let the likes of Donald J. Trump and other deplorable Americans drive him to the point of proving his American citizenship because he deeply desires to be accepted by the very people who hate him. He has more of the master’s DNA imprint than the slave’s. Our collective history as a people forged on this continent is adjacent to whom he is, but it is not who he is.
I would have told Mr. Trump and anyone demanding to see my papers like the Nazis that they proved to be to kiss me where the Sun doesn’t shine. I probably wouldn’t have been as artful about it as I am now. Obama’s surrender emboldened his enemies. It emboldened Trump.
This was his greatest failure as President.
Barack Obama failed to end the War on Drugs. He leaves office without having made any serious effort to end the modern day slavery system. The first half African and half Caucasian-American President completely did not care about the machine which is consuming the very descendants of the continent from which his Father descended. He completely failed to see the paradigm of the War on Drugs as slavery and he utterly failed to act in any meaningful way. This should have been his first priority after economic stabilization.
Barack Obama’s softness allowed him to keep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in the position of Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chair for an elongated period. It was painfully obvious years ago that she would do nothing but continue to lose seats for Democrats in her efforts to align the party for Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s coronation.
I, personally spit in to the wind on several occasions over the past four years to plead with the POTUS to terminate her and he never made an overture. She failed at every step of the way, but never did she fail as poorly and as decisively as she did in her treatment of Bernie Sanders and his voters. The pure, in your face establishment bias was clear from the start with the advertisement of a pledged Super-delegate lead at the outset of the Democratic primaries when the Super-delegates themselves can not vote until the party’s convention in June. It was sheer manipulation of the public will by pushing a vaporous number via a complicit corporate media. Obama’s failure to lead the party by removing Wasserman-Schultz manifested itself in the internal sabotage of Sanders within the DNC itself which has been proven in leaked emails.
There was funny business in Arizona and at the Nevada caucuses. There was funny business just about everywhere in the Democratic primary. The media was complicit in the fact that they produced tons of tight shots of Clinton rallies with a few hundred to thousand voters while rarely showing the massive rallies that Sanders held of 30k-40k people. It was obvious to anyone watching where the actual enthusiasm was and where the establishment had staked its inheritance and OH….does this election have the stench of entitlement?
Barack Obama is soft and he failed to stand up for the black community. Instead of standing before Alabama and Mississippi and selling us as the next entrepreneurs and geniuses which we are, he chastised us at college graduations a la Bill Cosby.
Instead of educating the public about the history of the racist attacks which he himself endured infinitely, he chose to play nice with a police officer who arrested a man for trying to get in to his own home. In his defense, I will say that only a soft half African and half Caucasian-American black man could get there. Barack Obama is a genius to be sure, but he capitulated to his arch nemesis when he was the most powerful man on Earth. He is an appeaser who lacked the ability to effectively terminate an ineffective Chairperson. He is the American President who’s legacy will be the least significant in the long run because it is about to be erased by the very man that he let break him.
He empowered the very man who questioned his American heritage and ultimately, laughed and joked him from one White House Correspondence Dinner to the next while lending him the national spotlight and ultimately by surrendering his power to Donald Trump in the weirdest display of white supremacy ever seen. In surrendering his Birth Certificate like a dog or like one of the good Jews, Barack Obama has proven that he is truly soft. It is painful watching Barack Obama hand the baton to Donald Trump. I voted from him twice, but he deserves it.
Staff Writer; Darrick Herndon
Barack Obama admitted it to Ta Nehisi Coates. I was right.
Great Article.
@Marque Anthony
Those who talk the most have the least to say. Those who constantly need to tout their credentials, dont have credentials worth touting. And those who have the most time on their hands to post so much on this website are under employed. You lack intellectual honestly and personal integrity.
Small people climb on small soup boxes to make themselves seem a little less small.
Your bias is clouding your ability to see the facts.
I have 8 pages of Obama’s accomplishments.
I also have 6 pages of his failures.
Learn to see the facts and use balance.
You sound like a small minded person. First, if white presidents do what you say, that does not make it right. Second, what you said is not true modern day. Clinton did not just help white people. JFK did not just help white people. Carter did not just help white people. You need to spend more time doing your research than throwing around insults and inaccurate data. As for the bowling ball insult, did you think of that one all by yourself?
Nothing you have said changes the fact that a president is to represent all people and he takes an oath to the constitution, not just people who are the same color as he is. You really just embarrassed yourself while not refuting anything I have written.
Lincoln did not just help white people, though his motives were not what most people think. Yet his actions helped many African Americans. I could go on proving you wrong all day, but the readers get the point.
The president is one person but the presidency is an institution bigger than one man. He is not a king or god or magician. Furthermore, many of the changes that impact every day citizens come at the local, county and state level. Go back to school and do more research.
@Marque Anthony: You are calling the author and idiot saying that “If a white President stood up more for whites than blacks, you would be screaming racism.”
Well….to anyone sharper than a bowling ball, which you perhaps are not, it would be apparent that all White presidents do is support white people. But hey, why should we expect that president to do anything for us? It’s not like the president can choose to focus on any one group of people.
*chough* LGBTQ
*chough* *chough* Illegal Immigrants
This article is sheer ignorance. Obama used tact, diplomacy and discretion. Bullying our enemies only makes more enemies and that is why some of them hate us in the first place. Bush launched the war on drugs and then cut the budget for the customs and coast guard officials so get your facts straight author of this article.
Obama did stand up for blacks but you need to understand his oath is to the constitution and all Americans, not just blacks you idiot. If a white President stood up more for whites than blacks, you would be screaming racism. Also we all are to be guaranteed equal protection under the law. To the author of this article, who taught you about politics and American government?
Wake up and don’t be a brainwashed slave.