Police: Civil Servants or City Serpents.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In light of countless and unwarranted murders of Black men–young and old–across the country, this writer is compelled to reexamine the role of the hired guns who are employed by the citizens to serve and protect the citizens.

As civil servants, it is a prerequisite for police officers to protect the lives, defend the civil liberties, and secure the safety of fellow citizens. The proud members of this badge-wearing organization solemnly swear to adhere to an oath that includes: never betraying the public trust and also holding themselves and each other accountable for their actions.

In recent news, it has become apparent that quite a few of these 123police22officers have not only abandoned their employment obligations; but, also, ambivalently pawned the public trust in exchange for worldwide skepticism and suspicion. In addition, some of these dead beat cops have spilled quite a bit of blood upon a virtuous oath in order to sustain a blue wall of pointed silence.

Serpents, on the other hand, are innately malicious and treacherous. They behave, snake-like, slithering. They may wrap themselves around your neck and choke the life out of you. Biblically, the serpent used an entrapment technique to persuade Eve to eat forbidden fruit.

However, I’m speaking, particularly, about the symbolism of city serpents that represent dual expressions of both good and bad, a dichotomy of police officers. This is not a blanket indictment on all blue coats; however, this is most certainly a call out on the two-faced, slithering cops, who methodically protect affluent people and private property while criminalizing, demoralizing, and targeting the powerless, the impoverished and residents/prisoners of public housing.

For starters, to illegally and racially profile indigent people and then subsequently ticket, summon, and/or fine them in order to collect their pennies to kickback and fund court operations, police, and prosecutors is not only civil extortion but ethically repugnant.

To add insult to injury, if their pennies don’t add up to the ticket price or they don’t make it to court, then a warrant is issued for their capture while their credit report is tainted by this silly civil/city con game.

In furtherance, they say, “don’t resist arrest.” Instead, complacently disregard the moral clause that is included in your employment contract; so, you can be suspended or terminated, while they pass out (get out of silly summons free) PBA cards to family and friends to avoid such nonsensical foolishness.

In the end, if the true and just civil servants jailed the lawless city serpents who care more about their pensions than people, who labor mainly to honor quotas as opposed to sacred oaths, many of the senseless murders would perish.

Staff Writer; Saint Solomon

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