Several Ways In Which The System In America Specifically Targets Black Men.

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( As black men in this country, we are constantly attacked from all sides because of racialized fears of black men that mainstream America are psychologically brainwashed to believe from a very young age.

Intro: Here are several ways that The System in America specifically targets black men.

1. Racist Laws – Because of racialized fears of black men, caucasoid lawmakers and politicians have passed many laws specifically targeting black men like The Three Strikes Law that was signed into law by Bill Clinton back in the 1990s in which mass incarceration of black men in America had reached its peak. Under The Three Strikes Law, a young black male that committed three nonviolent crimes was sentenced to life in prison.

2. The Educational System – The School-to-Prison Pipeline is a modern day holocaust where thousands of young black men are being sent from the public school system to the prison system each year because of caucasoid fear of young black boys becoming what Hillary Clinton said in a January ’96 speech of “superpredators”. Young black men in the public school system are the primary targets of this modern day holocaust because most of the teachers who are suburban females see young black men as potientially criminal and violent. They also see them as “not as smart as the kids from the suburbs”.

3. The Mainstream Sports Industry – Thousands of young black boys are sucked out of the hood each year and are put into these football and basketball camps that’ll prepare them for a life of engaging in servitude for the mainstream sports industry. And the mainstream sports industry isn’t known for producing black men that could become potiential fathers and husbands down the road, let alone well educated black men.

4. The Economic System – It’s no secret that black men are the first to get fired and the last to get hired by Corporate America not only because of racialized discriminative hiring practices, but their fear of black men becoming competition in the economic system.

5. The Prison System – America has a huge toxic fondness of incarcerating black men so they can continue to make money off of them. And after they get out of prison, The System deliberately shuts them out of the economic system by denying them fair housing, certain opportunities and that will lead them to re-engage in a life of crime that will lead them back to prison.

6. The Criminal Justice System – 9 times out of 10 when a young black man goes into a courtroom as a defendant, the judge, jury, prosector, and defense attorney are all caucasoids, so the chances of a young black man convicted of a nonviolent crime are 9 times out of 10 and they’re given egregiously draconian sentences by all-caucasoid juries that effectively destroys the rest of their lives.

The Conclusion – It’s up to us to teach our young men how to navigate through the traps The System has in place for them so they won’t go down a dark and dangerous path like many other young black men have been.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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