(ThyBlackMan.com) Hillary Clinton should not endure another debate with Donald Trump. He has already shown himself as bigoted against immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, and prisoners of War, such a U.S. Senator John McCain. He is also a man who calls women “pigs” and gloats over his deftness at grabbing their private parts. This may be a titillating resume for a reality TV star, but certainly not for the president of the most powerful nation on the planet.
This entire year instead of being inspired as I watched the election debates, I have felt that the American public, politicians and the press have been dragged down into the depths of a dark, dank sewer with the manhole slammed shut. The stench has overshadowed real issues, such as the poisoned population of Flint, Michigan, the Black men murdered by police for walking or running while breathing, the carnage of murdered little children piling up in our bloody inner cities and the homeless families increasing because of builders like Trump pricing the poor and middle class out of the housing market.
As a shining example of what one group the Donald caters to is the new Trump hotel in the nation’s capital where one night’s lodging starts at $800 and soars into the thousands. If you are not a millionaire or someone who delights in demeaning, despicable conduct, why else would you follow Donald Trump?
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