(ThyBlackMan.com) The Expenses of Addiction Look, addiction’s expensive. You know this. What’s a pack of smokes, six dollars today? How addicted are you? Do you smoke a pack a day? That’s $42.00 a week, or $168.00 a month. If you go the carton route, it isn’t much cheaper; even rolling tobacco ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Who would have thought that Donald Trump, of all people, would be addressing the fact that the black community suffers the most from a breakdown of law and order? But sanity on racial issues is sufficiently rare that it must be welcomed, from whatever source it comes. When establishment Republicans ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The NAACP, National Action Network, the SCLC, 100 Black Men, the three different Black Lives Matters groups – are they outdated, playing games or simply about self? We see their Facebook pages. We here about their rallies. We hear about their golf tournaments, voter registration drives and block parties. We ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Any member of an organization that truly cares about the group will not hesitate to hold the leadership accountable for the group’s actions, if they deem them to be inconsistent with the mission of the group. This is because they want to see the group succeed in fulfilling its mission. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The Egyptian pyramids were built by inhabitants of the lost city of Atlantis: false. The Civil War was fought solely for the purpose of State’s rights: false. President Obama is an American-hating Kenyan Muslim who is secretly gay: false. O.J. didn’t do it: false. It is no secret that if ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Employees are always worried about saying no to their boss. They don’t want to be thought of as a worker that won’t go the extra mile. Or, as a problem in the office. Worse still, you can be thought of as someone who isn’t a team player. All these phrases ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are many things you should do when starting a new job. And one of the key ones is to consider whether it’s right for you. After a few months in the role, you should be able to determine whether a job is right for you. Do You Get on ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Often when I think about being a Black woman in America, I think of W.E.B. Dubois and the concept of “double consciousness” he wrote about in “The Souls of Black Folk”: It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Alicia Keys tells EBONY she doesn’t believe in being “flawless,” yet on the set of the September Issue shoot, the 15-time Grammy® Award-winning music artist, philanthropist and judge on the new season of NBC’s The Voice proves she’s still a girl on fire. The fresh-faced star posed perfectly in futuristic ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In this article I am going to tell you how to become a full time entrepreneur, pure and simple. Have I done it? Yes, I have owned a full time business for over 13 years which has also included training thousands of new entrepreneurs when I was a business ...