The Lack Of Accountability From Black Parents When It Comes To Black Kids Being Harmed In The American Public School System.

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( I had read a story about a 6 year old black girl in Chicago that was arrested for “allegedly” stealing a piece of candy off a teacher’s desk by a racist security guard.

The girl’s mother told the Daily News that the school treated her daughter very harshly like other black kids are treated at the school.

The racist guard said, ‘I’m teaching her a f?—?-g lesson. She took a piece of candy and I handcuffed her under the stairs”

My first thought was why is there no protocols to prevent incidents like this. I know why because the main protocol they like to use onBlackParents-2016 black kids, particularly black boys is called systemic racism that makes them harm our kids in very irreparable ways.

Second, these black parents that deliberately throw their kids to these evil savages wanna get all mad and shit when their kids get harmed by them and wanna blame them solely for harming their child.

Third, I noticed many black parents are coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why they can’t even fathom taking up the responsibility of educating their own children when they say things like

1) I gotta work today

2) It’s too hard

3) It’s too stressful

4) I don’t have the time nor energy to do that and all these other weak pathetic excuses that they can come up with.

For me personally, these black parents that put their kids in harm’s way by sending them to these bigots are ALSO to blame for their kids being harmed by them because they actually chose to send their kids to these racist paternalistic baby sitting services to be harmed.

When I hear stories like the 6 year old girl arrested or boy suspended for having an afro, it makes me angry not only at the bigot controlled school system, but also at the parents that agreed to put their kids in harm’s way.

And then these black parents will also blame the school system for destroying their son’s future by putting him in jail without taking accountability for their own actions of setting their child up for his own extermination by the prison system which disgusts me.

One of the worst mistakes that we ever did during the 20th century was actually putting our kids in the hands of our historical enemy. Even Malcolm X said it best, “Only a fool would allow the enemy to teach their children” and that statement is so true, especially in today’s society.

Nowadays, there are however more black parents taking up the responsibility of educating their own kids because black parents are and should be their child’s first teacher because nobody can truly understand their child like they can.

The Conclusion – If you want to boost your child’s self-esteem and empower them, homeschool them and keep them out of the toxically racist public school system.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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