(ThyBlackMan.com) As a fit pro and life coach professional, I coach my clients to get rid of what’s known as ‘dead weight’. Dead weight shows up in the body as pounds, but in life it appears in attitudes. Dead weight is usually felt as the residual effects of sour relationships, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In the case of drugs and alcohol, nobody wants to admit they have a problem. They like to think that they can stop whenever they want. The truth of the matter is that when addiction takes hold, it never lets go. People who have gone to facilities like Pinnacle ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black men in America have had to deal with a lot of challenges and there are things that now they need to put an end to. Some which is logical in nature because a lot of that behavior you see in black men are often times fueled by their ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Interactive One, the definitive digital destination for African American and Millennial audiences, today announced the hiring of Kierna Mayo as the new Senior Vice President of Content and Brands, effective June 27. Widely known as an industry leading content creator, Mayo is an exciting addition to Interactive One. The ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) More and more people are turning to business as a way of life. And why not – there are much worse ways to spend your time, after all. Done right, running a business can be both enjoyable and a lucrative money earner. If you are also passionate about what ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) According to a New York Post article (May 22, 2016), in just two years, Hillary Clinton — former first lady, senator from New York and secretary of state — collected over $21 million in speaking fees. These fees were paid by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Fidelity Investments, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Free Reading of Let’s Stop Denying Made in America Terrorism (Amazon Kindle) Let’s Stop Denying Made in America Terrorism FBI director James Comey flatly said that there is no evidence of any foreign direction behind Omar Mateen’s Orlando nightclub massacre. In three probes of Mateen prior to the rampage, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Where you been, boy?” When I heard those words in June 1966, I knew I was going to have rough time in the U.S. Navy. My immediate reply to that Petty Officer was, “Who are you calling a boy? I am a man!” I was twenty-one years old, already ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It would be silly to go into business without knowing something of how advertising works. No, you don’t have to be an advertising professional. But when you are talking to advertising professionals, you at least need to know what they mean by SEO. The same kind of thing is ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s no secret that the racist War On Drugs and the mass incarcerated epidemic had obliterated so many families in our community for the past several decades. Despite all of the negative propaganda the mainstream media loves to put out about our brothers “not being active fathers to their ...
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