Congratulations Freddie Gray: A Victory For All Of Us.

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( There is no dollar value you can place on a human life but hitting the city of Baltimore in the pocket got their attention. It is speaking the language they understand. Congratulations to the family of Freddie Gray and to Freddie Gray himself. It is a shame it took his life to make this impact but all things happen for a reason and God can even use the worse tragedies to make people wake up. The city of Baltimore has agreed to give a 6.4 million dollar settlement to the family of Freddie Gray due to the spinal injury resulting in his death while in police custody. This is what can happen when we stand together and thank you to the family of Freddie Gray for not giving up.

This financial victory accomplished more than you might realize and my eyes tear up with joy as I write this article. Money is not justice but the ripple effect of this impact is still being felt around the country. One victory is in the example Freddy Gray’s family showed all of us by never giving up. Another victory is the fact that this settlement shakes up things in Baltimore which is causing major changes in how law enforcement treats our people. Another victory is that cities are now put on notice that they can be held accountable for the actions of their police officers. This got their attention because they understand when you hit them in the pocket.

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More victories? You bet there are. The 6 officers are all being prosecuted and separately. They can forget careers in police work. A judge refused to remove the prosecutor from the case, even though the attorneys defending these officers tried hard to have that done. A judge refused to dismiss the cases against the officers at this point. But it’s not over yet so keep paying attention. Freddie Gray could have been your father or your brother or your friend. And another victory is the fact that the police tried to cover up what happened FreddieGray-2015and blame Freddie Gray, but their darkness came to the light. Civil cases and settlements often wait to see how the criminal cases turn out, but not this time. And clearly a payout this big (as a settlement) is a strong admission of liability and guilt, at least at the civil level.

Even more victories? Yes. I have to say I am proud of the African Americans who stood together for Freddie Gray, many even at risk and ridicule to themselves. Clearly this sends a message to everyone of every color, educational background and socioeconomic status that AFRICAN AMERICANS CAN STILL STAND TOGETHER. Ha, just when they thought it was over………we are not finished. This endeavor showed our young people the meaning of solidarity, unity and refusal to bow down anymore. And though riots can often work against us as well, sometimes they make a loud enough noise to create change. That is undeniable, like it or not. So for those who say we should have gone back to Massa’s plantation barn, I ask you “what did you do to bring about change”?

For all those who said peace is the only way, I quote this verse from Christ Himself and I hope they hear the roar of the Lion of Judah. When unrighteousness abounds, that roar will get louder and louder.

Matthew 10:34-36 (NIV)

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— 36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.”

So for all of you who are victims of police brutality and injustice, it is not hopeless and you are not helpless. Keep fighting the good fight and suit up. Stand together and never underestimate the power of unity, faith and works that shake the foundations of unrighteousness. More battles are on the way and none of us are exempt (as James Blake found out). You can be a victim of police brutality, no matter where you live, what you drive, how many degrees you have or how much money you make. These things do not matter to renegade, rogue, corrupt, racist, poorly trained or mentally unstable police officers.

Finally, Freddie you never intended to make such an impact, but you need to know your death had more purpose than most people’s lives. You have awaken the Lion who could no longer afford to sleep. You have left a legacy that you never thought you could leave. And we thank you for the sacrifice you made without even knowing it.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony

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