(ThyBlackMan.com) What is it? Why does it happen? As I speak, I speak in the name of “US” or “WE” black people. Dont get me wrong I dont mean all but majority every three out of five of “us” black people help perceive this image. What image many may ask?
The image that others races see “us” as threating, as violent people who have no value in life. Why? Why do they see us in this point of view as dangerous violent people? Honestly, because were so intrigued in what color we wear and whos on whos territory that we don’t even own.
The fights we post on facebook and youtube. The disgust we put apon each other to put one of “us” as in your own down. Who wears this and who got that, most of all black on black crime. Why should some one approach “us” in a stable manner, when all they see is the violence on the internet of two black people fighting. Pounding each others heads on the ground abusing and harming others. Its not only one video of black people on the web fighting its numerous of video that have comments of “us” chanting and enjoying the fight.
Then again “we” feel were supposed to get looked at as friendly or civil people. When you see mutiple stories and videos of pitbulls attacking, your reaction is to approach a pitbull with caution. Think about it. . . Lets make a change for the better lets come together let break the sterotypes of how black people are this and black people are that. Lets build for not only the generation were in now, but for our kids and show an example so they can set an even better example for there kids.
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent. -Martin Luther King
#Justice for Micheal Brown
Staff Writer; Freddy Johnson
He got his justice and if you attack a policeman or other ared man you might easily get yours, too.
Right now, and like other situations resulting in riots, I view Ferguson blacks as a bunch savages causing destruction and horror for the sake of getting free stuff.
Another black male was shot and killed by police when he pulled a knife on them. He was ordered to drop the weapon but he didn’t. Instead he hollers, “Kill me, kill me.” Sounds like suicide by cop.
How other races perceived us means nothing. What’s important is how we see ourselves. To maintain a strong image, we must be willing to make demands on ourselves, such as becoming the primary educators our own children. Demand more of ourselves when it comes to loving, respecting and trusting one another. Demand of ourselves a sense that we see other blacks as ourselves, without hating and purposely destroying them. Demand of ourselves and especially our leaders, a high level of integrity, dedication, and sincerity. Be willing to stand against the lies, divisiveness, and evil tactics of those among us who are about selfish opportunism.