(ThyBlackMan.com) One day a white, female teacher will send a letter home telling you how smart or intelligent your child is. Then, she’ll call and tell you that there’s an opening at a nearby school for the gifted. Finally, she’ll send paperwork for you to sign in order to send your child there.
The white, female teacher is hypothetical, but that’s usually who white supremacist’s send because she’s believable. Black folks have always believed the white, female teacher. No matter how many times she told us that Columbus discovered America and George Washington never told a lie, we trusted her; to our own demise.
Now, they’ve set up a GIFTED SCHOOL TRAP for black kids. If you send your honor roll child to their GIFTED SCHOOL, their workload increases, the method of teaching changes, and the courses are significantly harder by design. And most (not all) grade on a 5 point scale. Your 4.0 child can go from a 4.0 average to a 3.0 overnight.
When colleges start handing out those big-time academic scholarships your child will be passed over; all because his/her GPA (Grade Point Average) has crumbled. Cumulative GPA is always what’s looked at when determining scholarships. The availability of programs and services for gifted students depends mostly on where a student lives and what state, school district or school he or she is in.
White, school administrators keep spewing numbers about black boys missing from gifted school programs, yet they are the very ones who created the SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE in the first place; go figure. They put them out of school then complain about black boys missing from their programs. That’s the red herring.
I visited two so called GIFTED SCHOOLS and did further digging. There were a lot of students there that were BLACK! Since when in the history of America has white folks given free higher education to black kids on a grand scale? NEVER! And with the dropout rate as high as it is among Blacks and Latinos, where are gifted school finding all these candidates?
Just yesterday, white teachers were pushing black parents into putting their kids intospecial education classes to ruin them. Now, they’re pushing them into these advanced courses. I’m not buying it!
They’re taking the best of the best honor roll students and making sure they don’t get the needed academic scholarships. They’ll have to pay for college; making it tougher to get into a good college. And at the same time, making sure you’re kids are heavily in debt because of student loans that take twenty- plus years to pay off.
Since it’s become tougher for white supremacists to discriminate on applications that say Jamal or Shamika, racists had to come up with another strategy; the School for the Gifted. Hell, we all know black kids are gifted, creating a majority of everything we use in society today; from the air conditioner to the gas masks our soldiers wear in Iraq.
If your child is already doing excellent in school don’t let white supremacists derail the kid and they miss out on that much needed scholarship. My advice to you is to do your homework. Find out the difference between AP classes, charter schools and magnet schools. Study the tactics of these mis-educators. White supremacy hasn’t changed; it’s being reworked and tweaked. Get involved- that’s how we’ll beat these white supremacists- ALL DAY EVERYDAY!
Black Parents: Watch Out for the Gifted School Trap.
Staff Writer; Xavier James
Official website; http://xavierjamesuncensored.blogspot.com
One may also purchased this brother “Newly” released book over at Amazon; http://amzn.com/B00I3KT190 (——
What’s your reaction?
You white supremacists and lovers of the creators of AIDS are always trying to down and divide black folks-but it’s not working. You buck- dancing coons who are married to white folks and feel the need to go along with all their dirt, are dying out. Just because you have mulatto kids doesn’t mean you’re going to escape the lynch mob when they come and Emmitt Till your asses. White supremacy is on its way out. And the fact that more whites are trying their best to stop it is proof of that.
My books and articles are world wide; still selling. And I get countless emails from black folks world wide thanking me for revealing the truth that’s been hidden from them. I am the teacher who teaches teachers how to battle white supremacists and to flip the script on the white sex agenda that’s been launched against our black children. Simply put-YOU COONS AND CRACKAS ARE LOSING-LOL. GET OVER IT. YOU’RE DONE!!!!!
SHOUTS OUT TO Mumia Abu Jamal and all political prisoners and crooked cop killers!
True toomanygrandkids, first he have to love himself these so call brothers always blaming some one else for their problem want they be real men and stand up and quit blaming someelse for their fuckup they didn’t tell you to sell drugs you sold them out of greed thinking you will be getting ahead but you flaunt it and get caught first the black man have to check himself before he check someone else then he will progress from their.
toomanygrandkids, I’m totally feeling your comments. The author of this article sounds like a bitter brother who’s misdirecting his anger when he should look in the mirror and perform a thorough analysis of himself.
I represented a buyer on a home purchase a short time ago where the Hone Inspector asked me how come Bosnians own so many homes and we who have been in this country for over two hundred years can’t own one.
I informed him that Bosnians work together and the first thing they did when they arrived in the community was invest in Real Estate Brokerage and Renovation. The next thing they did was target Bosnians to sale AFFORDABLE homes to and many of these home sales are owner finance.
I went on to say to him that they could have easily chosen to invest in a depreciable asset such as a luxury vehicle but it was more important to them to invest in real estate that increased their net worth and stabilized their community for economic empowerment.
The Home Inspector did not own his home but recently purchased a vehicle north of $50,000 and was trying to hate on Bosnians instead of getting himself together to excel financially.
Actually, it was the Asians whom you say was pimping black communities. Here’s another idea: Instead of referring to Asians as pimps, why don’t you go face to face with real black pimps who kidnap and murder youg black girls? Lecture YOUR BROTHERS how they are the real poison within the black race. Why don’t you tell YOUR BROTHERS to stop training young black males to be drug dealers and killers?
Oh wait, you’d rather black children to attend the “black school of the hard-knock life” than schools you say are ran by white supremist. Yet you and your brothers offer nothig else. When you visited that school, you should have sat your black ass there and learned something. Oh wait, never mind because you already know every-damn-thing.
Let’s see, this is a white thing with you, isn’t it? Your last article stated to watch out for white males in college. Now, you say to watch out for the gifted school trap. Tell you what, why don’t YOU BLACK MEN BUILD SCHOOLS….oh, wait a minute….YOU BLACK MEN DON’T HAVE A DROP OF UNITY WHATSOEVER!! So, what do you all have to offer young black males but your spewing of hatred towards whites. What you oughtta do is LOOK IN THE MIRROR….oh, wait that won’t work. The majority of black men don’t mind looking through a window viewing what’s going on with other black men and youg black males. You hate looking in the mirror to see that you are a major part of the problem(s) within the black race.
Sorta like so-called leaders who are really invisible men. No matter how many years, how many times someone lectures/speaks about black people uniting as a race and do for ourselves, your kind insist on complaining about something like the white male and gifted school programs. You did the same shit in that article about the Koreans and Chinese operating stores in black communities. You hate/dislike them also. Yet, you and other black men don’t provide any stores that supply our needs. But you praise that hoodlum Mumia Abu Jamal the cop killer. What your kind really wants is for young black males and black men to be angry and full of hatred just like you and you want them to remain that way. It makes you happy to complain about whites and be angry because it’s all you know.
Your own bad habit of the race and blame game is difficult to break out of.