(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m not trying to #EchoTheSentiments of #JamalHBryant, but I AM admittedly trying to capitalize on them. His mentioning “hoes” in the pulpit reminds me of the importance of context when addressing #ThePeopleOfGod. #CaseInPoint – I readily used this word along with “pimps” and “thots” to speak to the pre-teen youths of my class this week.
I talk to them often about the importance and #PowerOfWords. Far too often they (and adults, as well if we’re being honest!) wield the weaponry of their mouths with reckless abandon – damaging not only others but themselves in the process. Proverbs 18:21 states that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”. Far too often, we as a culture are hungry (or #thirsty?!!) for devouring the fruit of death on the #TipOfOurTongues.
Before we got into the classroom session, I let the pre-teens go outside and enjoy the weather. As I listened to them on the playground, I heard #TheABCs of insults as they incessantly berated one another as they talked about how weak one was or how the other’s head was misshapen. It culminated when we began walking back to the church with a complaint from one young man. He said something that caused all of the others to critique him to which he replied “You guys are ALWAYS telling me that I’m doing something wrong!”. They laughed it off but it solidified in my mind what we’d talk about (AGAIN) in #BibleStudy.
We are #MadeInTheImageAndLikenessOfGod, right? Most of us should recognize this from Genesis 1:26. But what does that look like? More importantly, what does that SOUND like?!! With the power of #TheWord (Whom Jesus is as #TheWordMadeFlesh, #MindYou), God framed the heavens and the earth. He brought things into existence that had not been before… with His words. One of the quickest ways to see how we are like Him is to understand the power we wield with our own tongues. We can set laws and wars into motion with words. We can change someone’s entire mood with what we say to them – #ForBetterOrForWorse. We seem to choose the latter #MoreOftenThanNot, though. For a quick laugh or due to our own insecurities, we tear down more than we build up one another, #ItWouldSeem.
#ThisShouldNotBeSo. The pre-teens and I read James 3 which talks about how the tongue, when it is untamed, is full of deadly poison and is an #UnrulyEvil. This is true when we speak out of #TheEvilTreasureOfOurHeartinstead of the good treasure. The question then becomes, where have we stored up our treasure?
We treasure what is #trendy (thus the #hashtags throughout this piece!). The young man who complained about being criticized by his peers further made it clear that I needed to talk to them all about the power of words when, during our session, he referenced himself by saying #ItsHardOutHereForAPimp! When I asked him to repeat what he said, he said it again with assured boldness. When I asked him what a #pimp was, the response was deafening:
“I thought it meant a ‘short person’…”
This was his retort after I posed a series of statements/questions to him:
1) “A pimp is a person who gets women to sell themselves for sex and takes their money – even beating them when they don’t get them their money.”
2) “Do you beat women, call them hoes and/or sell them for sex?”
3) “Now that you know, do you still want to call yourself a pimp?”
4) “Don’t speak something over yourself – ESPECIALLY if you don’t know what it means. Find out the meaning of a word FIRST before using it.”
It may seem innocent that he used it out of context. It may seem #FarFetched to tell him that using such a word to describe himself can attach that type of destiny onto him. Some people will choose not to believe me at this point just as my pre-teens apparently have not been believing me (judging by their actions or FRUIT). They do not take their weapons. They hear the lessons from #TheBible but have yet to fully #repent, #RenewTheirMinds and #BeNotConformedToThisWorld because they continue to wield this fiery #FlamingSword that is in their mouth without a care in the world.
Check out some of the responses they gave me when I asked them how they would carry themselves differently if they had a sharp, double-edged sword in their backpacks or a small, equally sharp blade in their pocket:
“I’d be careful – in case I cut myself.”
“I’d go home and put it away.”
“I wouldn’t go through an airport with it!” (#TheyGotJokes!)
“I’d put it away until I learned how to use it to heal.” (Somebody was starting to catch on!)
We then talked about how a sharp utensil can be used to HEAL as a surgical scalpel cuts away what can bring death to the body. This is the type of #CuttingEdge #CuttingApparatus we have in our mouths. A spiritual blade under the tongue, as it were, that we use to label ourselves and others incorrectly.
If you don’t believe me about the power of labels, look at your name. This young man has a Biblical name which means “Jehovah is Lord”. My names (Reginald Andrew Leon Kee) translate roughly into the following:
Reginald: “mighty counselor”
Andrew: “manly”
Leon: “lion”
Kee: “Manu Forti” meaning “with a strong hand”
I am becoming these things as an instrument of God but I need a system of accountability to wield myself correctly.
‘Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.’ – Proverbs 27:17
#TheQuestionBecomes… what are we sharpening ourselves for? To enhance life or bring about death. Are we playing #TheDozens or playing to #TheDozen as #disciples of #JesusChrist?
What we destine ourselves to be begins with what we call ourselves and answer to. This young man has a GREAT future based in his name alone which the world seeks to #StealKillAndDestroy through the music we expose ourselves to and the foolishness bound in our hearts.
Incidentally, our youths DO understand #ThePowerOfWords. They are the ones who made up “THOT” as a euphemism for “hoe”. In a previous session, I had a conversation with the pre-teens about this word, as well. None of the guys really knew where it came from but the girls did. It has permeated urban classrooms around the country as a way to call someone out of their name without getting in trouble for saying a more recognizable word.
I know you may say “So you’re just talking to pre-teens in Bible Study about #PimpsAndHoes, huh?!!” Yes. I am. If we continue not speaking #truth and #life to counteract this; if we continue to remain silent with deaf ears to what our children are speaking and hearing on a #DayToDay basis; we will continue to #MissTheMark of what it means to #RaiseUp our children in the #FearAndAdmonitionOfTheLord. You’d #BestBelieve, if we don’t speak on it, the world will continue to rear its ugly head as it whispers death into the collective ears of the next generation.
Let him who has ears, hear. SELAH.
Some #PenniesForYourThought:
A Collective THOT Process: The youth’s wisdom for euphemisms has become a collective THOT. #CollectiveThought #ThougtProcess
Rearing Ugly Heads: Death rears an ugly #HeadStart by speaking itself into our kids’ heads. #RearingItsUglyHead
‘And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear , and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.’
– Deuteronomy 31:13
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.’ – Ephesians 6:4
‘For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…’ – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Stop Defending Deafening Silence: It’s too easy to remain silent when you turn deaf ears to the world. #TheSilenceIsDeafening #TurningADeafEar
Staff Writer; Reggie Legend
Can find more about this writer over at; http://www.steelwaterspoetry.com
Also connect via Twitter http://www.twitter.com/steelwaterspoet and Facebook; http://www.facebook.com/SteelWatersPoetry
This brother is also available as a Keynote Speaker – Book him Today; Speakerwiki – Reggie Legend.
How are deal with what we are given will be based upon our ability to have or not have critical thinking mindsets. A huge numbers of decisions are made with no thought of lasting impact and deal mainly with the what’s in it for me process. We will been given a raw deal as we have not a clue of our overall signifigence in the development of the world in which we live in. Our historial achievements have been altered to attempt to make us look like second class citizens, when we were the pioneers of life itself coming from the African continent. Historic statues have had their noses blown off to take away the ethicity of our forefathers in various lands including Egypt and South America. We have a chance to get it right only if we make a collective effort to realign our priorities and focus on bringing out the TRUTH. But for every step we make forward, we know that that we stand the chance of being knocked back ten. This is where courage and fortitude has to come into play and we must be willing to go the last mile of the way, even if it includes losing our life as we know it. This will not be the first time or the last that we give of ourselves to make things better for the next generation to follow. One can only hope that those coming after will have some level of appreciation for the sacrifice, just as Jesus died for the greater good. We are no different and have to start cleaning up all of the trash that is here due to being misled and lied to from the womb to the tomb. It can be done. Peace out, Papacool.
This piece was #shit
…some of the hash tags were a bit gratuitous. Kool piece though.
Teach Brother! We need more independent thinkers. Most humans have the requisite faculties of sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smelling, but thinking for themselves is sometimes out-sourced to other humans. Here lies the mistake and dilemma. Don’t allow your mind to be controlled by misinformation, conjecture, and obfuscation.