(ThyBlackMan.com) What measure of inanity does it take to be an atheist? If twenty atheists are socializing in a house, and a twenty-first person ran in and said “there is a bomb about to go off in the basement”, how many atheists would remain in the house saying “I do not see any evidence of a bomb”? I am confident that about all of them would run out of the house, and would not return until a bomb squad was called to make an expert examination of the building.
A person’s eternal soul is more important and precious than our temporal physical existence. Before claiming that “there is no god”, what expert examination have any of them made? Forget the false and foolish claims of Creationism. Both old and young Earth creationists refuse to learn the truth of Genesis chapter one, so their arguments are nearly worthless.
Evolutionists and humanists will claim that the fossil record “proves the Genesis account to be false”. What they are hiding from the public is that the correct rendition of Genesis was discovered over 20 years ago, and that Genesis doesn’t have any “creation accounts”. They choose to joust and debate against the outdated and misinformed creationist teachings from Genesis, but run from the correct rendition. Not one single evolutionist, from Michael Zimmerman, the National Center for Science Education, on down to any biology teacher, has agreed to a public discussion on this, because their atheist religion would suffer public embarrassment.
I wrote to Bill Nye, the “science guy”, over a year ago, but he stayed hidden in a corner, and he chose to debate a “creationist clown” (Ken Ham) instead. Back in October of 2006, I issued a challenge to the then director of the NCSE, Dr. Eugenie C. Scott. and emailed her and her staff, plus posted an article proclaiming a public challenge. Here is the link: http://www.opednews.com/articles/life_a_ephraim_071026_a_public_challenge_t.htm
Was she “shaking in her boots”? She would go around the country giving lectures on how evolution was true, and that Genesis was a myth, yet she avoided a confrontation with the Genesis Expert. I offer the same challenge to the present executive director, Ann Reid. This article has been sent to Her, and to Eugenie Scott for confirmation of my earlier challenge.
Genesis chapter one is revealing seven days, taken from seven different weeks, which were taken from seven different eras of mankind on Earth. There was Creation Week, 4.6 billion years ago, represented by the Fourth Day, followed by a mass extinction, then Restoration Week One (represented by the fifth day) which was the era of the dinosaurs, followed by another extinction. Three more restorations and extinctions follow before the era that God made Adam in 7200 BC, represented by the second day. In chapter two, the era of modern man is given in greater detail.
Why has the news media failed to publicize the discovery of a man-made pyramid, from the Jurassic period? A Ukrainian scientist made the discovery in his native land. It is quite interesting that it was found in the most beautiful corner of the country, in Crimea. As the ICTV channel reported, the finding was revealed by accident, when during his test alternative methods of finding water, Ukrainian scientist Vitalii Goh discovered an amazing underground unknown object, which proved to be a giant pyramid of 45 meters in height, and a length of about 72 meters. It was first found in 2001. Here is the link:
This proves mankind was here more than 65 million years ago. Another foolish theory (evolution) bites the dust.
What other evidence is there for the existence of Yehovah? What about examining the history of the nation of Israel? Over the course of history, they have interacted with the Almighty. In the Yom Kippur War, in 1973, 1400 Syrian tanks turned around and retreated from 20…, yes just twenty Israeli tanks. Later, when interviewed, the Syrian tank command said that they saw angels telling them to turn around and retreat home. Yehovah fought for Israel.
As I understand, the nation of Egypt does not want to admit that Israel was ever enslaved in Egypt. In 1598 BC, Israel crossed the Red Sea and eventually camped at Mt. Sinai in NW Saudi Arabia. You can see the evidence of such using these links:
The Ark of the Covenant was found several years ago, and will be shown to the public in about three years. You can be learn about it by going to these links:
The garden tomb of Yeshua (Jesus) was found, where the Romans drilled five iron spikes and molten lead through a boulder, into the sides of the rock tomb, to make sure that the disciples of Yeshua could not steal away His body and claim that He had resurrected. It is estimated that 90 tons of force would be needed to shear the spikes and roll the boulder to the side, yet one angel did it, as witnessed by the squad of Roman guards before sundown on Saturday, May 1st, 28 AD. The Sanhedrin paid the soldiers to lie and say that they fell asleep. But at a later Roman inquiry, both parties had to confess, else the soldiers would have been executed.
Any atheist that now says “there is no evidence of a God” is a delusional liar, and is a servant of Satan. Being human, I would feel a concern for those that are in ignorance. But just like those that are buried in drug addiction, at some point, you just have to let atheists go, and let them die, because they don’t want a Creator to exist, and/or want to suppress such evidence for monetary reasons. Regardless of their excuse, came judgment day, they are going to pay.
While they are forever in torment, in the Lake of Fire, with Lucifer who blinded them, we can’t (or won’t) be sorry for them, for they have had their chance to obtain the truth, but chose to turn away from it.
There is other such evidence. NASA found out that the Moon is hollow, when they exploded a bomb in an effort to widen an opening at its south pole. The Moon rang like a bell for several hours, causing a BIG surprise. Now, even their idiotic “impact theory” had no chance to explain the origin of the Moon. Since the barycenter (center of mass) between the Earth and the Moon is roughly 300 or so miles below the surface of Earth, by inference, the Earth is also hollow, which proves the (false) theories of science to be in error. Yet the atheist doesn’t want to admit that our universe was created (some 4.6 billion years ago). They want to adhere to the notion that all existence came into being by random chance, and that there is no Deity to answer to, and the realm of the supernatural does not exist.
Yet a greater set of fools is discussed in Part 1B.
Bomb in the basement.
What if 4 people walked into the house and all of them disagreed about the bomb and what it’s properties were? What if the 4 people only knew of the bomb from “visions” and they contradicted each other? What if everyone went down into the basement to look for a bomb and didn’t find one? What if this entire event reinforced the opinions of the atheists that highly religious people are a bit nutty?
Eternal soul – Pascal’s Wager, there are a million debunks of why this is a poor reason to believe in god.
I see only one fool here and his name is Herman Cummings. The links you posted here to your evidence go to a bunch of Woo-Woo pages not links to reputable scientist. You make a lot of claims here but you back it up with useless links to nonsense web sites and laim YouTube videos. Get some better evidence.