(ThyBlackMan.com) I have seen some pictures that have upset me, that have disgusted me, that have pulled at my heart, but today I saw a picture of a young Sister who looked no more than six, in a two piece bathing suit, in stripper heels, and she was sliding down a pole. I was and I am still absolutely LIVID over that image. Teaching your child how to slide down a damn stripper pole is the ULITIMATE form of child abuse.
You hand your child over to predators when you instill that type of thinking, you set your child up to be violated in the WORST way, and you have just placed her on a DIRECT path to failure, if those of us in our community don’t try to snatch our children out of the HELL some of us as parents have placed them in. We post pictures of our girls in scantily clad outfits and think that is cute while really some of it is bordering on child pornography.

Greetings Sistah Nojma
Isn’t it sad when you try to show people the errors of their ways they get angry at you? Truly this planet, not just American society, but this plant has really lost what the ancients have over stood about elevating the spirit…or seeing things from a spiritual frame. We have lost our spirituals bearings and have descended into that dark space where we consume our young and each other.
My people are lost because they have lost the intrinsic thing that made us once great. That is the elevated spirit, not religion, but the spirit that teaches us that if we help someone we get help in return.
How can we claim to be superior to the dogs and wild animals, when by our actions we have proven to be on their level or sometimes below that? Knee-grows fail to over stand that everybody sees us as animals and until we elevate our selves by first elevating our spirits, we will always be seen as animal.