The Gay Marriage Rift: Obama and The Black Left have declared war the Black Church.

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( Since President Obama made his public affirmation of same-sex marriage. The debate within the Christian community and political circles has been non- stop and vigorous. But the black community, especially the black church has been hit repeatedly with massive verbal accusations of intolerance, archaic homophobia and bigotry labels in regards to gay-marriage, from all sides of the spectrum but mostly from the professional black left (professors, politicians, preachers, activist, media pundits).

Think about, it when was the last time we ever saw so many black clergy on all the news cycles?   

I’m sure maybe it has something to do with that first black president thing? But who knows; although to Newsweek he is the first Gay President! With a  glowing rainbow halo over his head! Man that is… for a lack of a better word “messed up”. But his campaign motto in 08’ was “change”.  Although I don’t know if this Newsweek cover was what he had in mind four years ago.


Last year a Washington Post article asked the question; Can Obama hold on to African American voters in 2012? This is a question that is being re-visited in light the Presidents recent unsurprising announcement. To quote Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek column:

 “When you step back a little and assess the record of Obama on gay rights, you see, in fact, that this was not an aberration. It was an inevitable culmination of three years of work.” And President Obama has much in common with the gay community. “He had to discover his black identity and then reconcile it with his white family, just as gays discover their homosexual identity and then have to reconcile it with their heterosexual family,” Sullivan writes.”

Okay number one …; I’m really soooo tired of Gays comparing their gayness to my ethnicity! You notice they never do that with any other ethnic group, like Jewish people, who have suffered horrible tragedies throughout history.

Being gay and being Black are not synonymous!

Number two…Sullivan is right, this announcement should come as no surprise, if you look at his in your face pro-gay polices over the past three years the writing was definitely on the wall.

So why some black clergy were surprised, hurt , felt betrayed, and caught off guard by this; tells me they fell into the “code of blackness” (the support of the prez because he is black; policy) or they were just “public policy ignorant or lazy”. Either way both do a huge disservice to the people they pastor.

Back to the article…it actually displayed the blatantly obvious disdain for dissenting opinions within the black community and that the black professional left (professors, politicians, preachers, activist, media pundits) have little or no room for public dissent or debate on a variety of issues, most notably public policy and politics.

The article cites Tom Joyner telling his listeners to get in line with the president. “Stick together, black people,”

Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride — and loyalty,” Joyner wrote on his blog. “We have the chance to re-elect the first African-American president, and that’s what we ought to be doing. And I’m not afraid or ashamed to say that as black people, we should do it because he’s a black man.”

He along with Steve Harvey’s message of support for Obama and who called Tavis Smiley and Cornel West “uncle toms” for their critique of the President.  As well as Al Sharpton who told the president’s black critics, “I’m not telling you to shut up. I’m telling you: Don’t make some of us have to speak up.”

Then there is the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) when they are not a some party somewhere!  They are in a political schizophrenic flux, because they know that black unemployment is still too high and a recent Washington Post-ABC News polls have shown a drop in the number of blacks who have ”strongly favorable” views of Obama and those who think his policies are improving the economy. This would be a slam dunk if the President were white or a Republican. The members of the CBC would be following the normal liberal playbook about systematic racism in Washington, and how its current policies are having a negative impact having on Black -Americans.  Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) admitted to this conundrum we he said “If Obama wasn’t president, we would be marching on the White House.

The fact that these people say things like this to Black people and aren’t challenged; is a travesty an insult, and shows an intellectual disrespect to the people who listen to them.

Fast forward to today, the gay-marriage issue is front and center and the Obama surrogates are telling Black-Americans again, support him anyway!!!. He is still our best hope. Never mind your conscience or traditional beliefs based in biblical teachings; because they are out of touch with mainstream society anyway! When what they really mean is YOU are not in line with what we want to do! Just ignore the history of heterosexual marriage as a foundational pillar that existed even before the church or the state.

The same way Obama’s HHS dept told the Catholic Church a few weeks ago you are going provide birth control for employees weather you want to or not.

And to those who speak up in defense of marriage and what the Bible says about it? Well Michael Eric Dyson has a defined your stance and has a few chose words; You are a Religious Bigot and Sexual Redneck!

His rapid-fire intellectual dishonesty, along with his, I wish I was a gangsta rapper style of verbal bullying is a part of the modus operandi of the Black professional lefts’ goal of demonizing, ridiculing, marginalizing and insulting anyone who doesn’t bow the knee and pay homage their liberal/progressive goals and gods. They expect a piped-piper like allegiance; Regardless of the ineffectiveness of the policies they represent. This is insulting, and leaves Black Americans as a whole with no political power or leverage and keeps in place failed policies and inept leaders that should have been shown the door a long time ago.

The election of the first Black President and his divisive policies has brought to light the rabid intolerance and racism that exists at the core of liberal/progressive ideology and with the professional black left.  And how they will devour their own if they get out of line (just ask Bill Cosby).

Now is the time to challenge the Black left establishment. Letting them know; we will not be held captive to your black liberal fascist ideology anymore.

We gave up education, when liberalism asked for it

We gave up arts & entertainment, when progressives asked for it

We gave up the sciences when secularism asked for it

We gave up businesses when the left asked for it.

We gave up government when atheist asked it

We have even given up denominations when liberals asked for it  

Now liberals/progressives/secularist/atheist  want the crown jewel marriage and family!

Well we are not giving it up, and not only are we not giving it up. We are coming to take everything back that the left stole from us.

Staff Writer; Donald Thornton
Host of Xservativestalk – Talk Radio of The Future Today!
5pm Sundays CST on 100.7fm or online or visit this talented brother over at;

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