(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me start this off by saying that my favorite fighter is Miguel Cotto and has been for some time. So if you refer to me as a “Floydiot” in your comments,
you clearly haven’t read this column in its entirety. With that being said, The Grinch Who Stole Boxing (who is me of course) is here to dispell the delusional fantasy about what’s expected of the Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquaio megafight.
For those of you who have been watching boxing for more than two weeks of your life and can logically separate emotion from common sense, you’re able to determine that Floyd Mayweather Jr. is the pound-for-pound king of boxing.
Try your best to mentally separate his unmatched skill and ring intelligence from his boastful mouth. Try to paint a clear picture of a man, regardless of  the selection of opponent, has entered the ring 43 times and has never been knocked down.
This same man who was known for not going toe-to-toe and hitting and running decided to go toe-to-toe with my favorite boxer, Miguel Cotto. Unless you live in Antarctica, if you’re reading a boxing column, then you clearly
 known who outclassed who at their own game. Yes, Floyd Mayweather Jr.

So now the hype begins again. Boxing fans worldwide think, “Man… this would be the best fight ever. Manny Pacquaio and Floyd Mayweather Jr. will slug it out to the death, but Floyd Mayweather Jr. is too scared to fight him.”
LOL. Floyd Mayweather Jr. is scared. That’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever seen one.
Sadly, I’ve observed a separation in the generational beliefs of boxing fanatics nowadays. There are many who witnessed the Alis, Fraziers and Tysons fight
their way to the top out of sheer legacy, manhood and glory.
I’m sad to inform you that there’s a reason Floyd’s moniker is “Money Mayweather.” It’s because he is comfortable with his legacy and he only cares about the money. In addition, I think us 9 to 5ers don’t have a reason to judge a wealthy man who’s been able to fight 43 men victoriously and is so evasive that we’ll most likely never see the negative long-term effects of boxing (e.g. Muhammad Ali) affect him. He should be given credit for this. Not hated for it.
But if you’re a hater, you think that Manny “The Man Who Most of the Public Never Knew Existed Five Years Ago” Pacquaio deserves a 50/50 split for the
megafight. First off, Floyd Mayweather is the Pay-Per-View king as well, whether the public wants to admit it or not. He just pulled in a record 1.5 million buys last week in his match against Miguel Cotto.
Next month, Manny “The Legend?” Pacquaio faces Timothy “Very Overrated” Bradley. I doubt he will even pull in a million PPV buys for this fight. You doubt it as well.
So Floyd, being “Money Mayweather” knows that he can fight ANYONE and pull in guaranteed purses of over $30 million and break Pay-Per-View records. Who is the real draw here? I, for one would not split this fight 50/50. I think 70/30 is more like it. Granted, Manny Pacquaio is a skilled fighter and all, but I can’t agree with a guy who’s known for flooring Ricky “LOL” Hatton and destroying a 90-year old Oscar Delahoya (after Floyd Mayweather Jr. beat both) getting half of the proceeds. The draw should make the most money. Simon Cowell didn’t split his American Idol proceeds with Paula Abdul.
In addition, Floyd Mayweather Jr. is the best at adjusting to his opponent in the business. He gave the crowd what they wanted to see in his bout against Miguel Cotto. He took risks and fought my favorite boxer like a man.
Unfortunately, my favorite boxer left the ring after the bout like a coward and dodged post-fight interviews.
What will happen if Manny Pacquaio ever deflates his political ego and accepts a lower purse is that Floyd Mayweather Jr. will realize that he is close to 40
years old and does not want to get his head bashed in when he’s already in a position to retire victoriously. He will train defensively and will hit and run
against Manny Pacquaio and wind up winning by decision. Again, let’s be logical here. Floyd is out to win and get paid. Floyd can win by strategically hitting and running all night. If you watched Manny Pacquaio vs. Mosely, Manny Pacquaio isn’t the greatest cat and mouse fighter. He likes to go toe-to-toe and those who dodge him all night get him frustrated.
So this megafight that has been talked about forever will result in a Floyd Mayweather Jr. victory and one of the most boring fights of all time.
When Floyd Mayweather Jr. Â raises his gloves in victory and smiles against the roar of boos in the crowd… You’ll still hate him.
Staff Writer; Garett R. Nadrich
In 2015, I rest my case. Thank you.
Okay, it’s not that serious. Who cares, i don’t care if they fight or not. Boxing sucks anyway. Why would anyone be scared? Not a lot of potential to getting seriously hurt in Boxing. It’s not like MMA. More likely to get a serious injury on the football field or in basketball. You may get a few minor cuts or face bruises but boxing really isn’t that brutal when you look at it.
Being in Music Business I know the difference between Simon Cowell and Fuller and I would suggest, when making nonsensical comparisons online you at least get the names right.
You assert Floyd is much better than Manny is all about the hype- so to paraphrase your point.
I think this is a load of crap, but lets say its not.
Manny is still a huge superstar, though Floyd has a very small edge in the PPV world, its so small its negligible.
The only reason this would be such a big fight is because it would be Floyd V Manny. No other fight is gonna bring the money this one will or even close.
So back to your point about Floyd being all about the money? I agree , he is. So as he is so coin operated , what would be the reason he would not the biggest fight of his career? Why would he want to only give Manny so little?
Its prize fighting. That’s what its about. Skill or deserve has nothing to do with it. All opinions on who would dominate, knock out or out box whom is all opinion till these 2 fight.
So Floyd deserves the larger share cos you/he feels he is better? Or because he has a small and I mean real small PPV jump on Manny?
Or perhaps its just a convenient excuse for Floyd and people who follow him.
Until they actually fight its all opinion.
Yea he was afraid to fight them he also didn’t want to fight cotto when cotto was in his prime 4 years ago. Manny has fought everyone they put infront of him. And yes manny is the bigger draw everyone watches mayweather to see him lose and they will see it if he ever steps ip and fight the pound for pound king manny. Compare the opponents manny and mayweather both faced and manny dominated them not like mayweather has. Manny beat the crap out of cotto, del a Hoya, hatton, mosely cas closed.
Stop it people manny is the one who doesn’t want the fight. Have y’all forgotten the judge ( mediator) said manny wouldn’t sign the contract to make the fight and that bob arum said the fight wasn’t happening? And stop it with this manny being a bigger draw. C’mon now … and whoever brought up clottey and margarita just smack yourself. I suppose floyd was afraid of then too huh….lol bradley bout to whoop the most overrated fighter in the boxing history that being manny pacquiao. The god fearing christian who promotes hennessy. This fraud will lose
Floyd is a great boxer but fighting manny he makes you fight and in a fight Floyd will lose.
Sounds fair mayweather would never agree to that.
D Man, totally agree with you. Floyd is not making a serious offer. He doesn’t want to fight.
Finally, though my name is Santos, I am a black man. A black man who calls it like it is. Floyd is the best boxer, Manny is the best fighter. 45 / 45, 10% to the winner! Manny will be that 1.
Please don’t let this idiot write anymore articles.
Bet this guy who wrote this article is black. Manny on 30 percent your an idiot I would give him 45. Manny maid 35 million when he fought cotto himself. Do you remember the ass whooping manny put on cotto before mayweather fought him which was a close fight. What about clottey and margarito 2 guys mayweather never wanted to fight. Please man manny will destroy you black legend mayweather.
Don’t let what folks say about the PPVs fool you. Floyd has NOT been the sole draw in those PPVs. ODH was the other side of the highest grossing PPV. While Floyd only has two fights in top 10 PPVs, ODH has 4! It could be said of the #1 PPV fight, Floyd may have benefited from fighting ODH, the non-heavyweight fighter with the most top 10 PPV fights. More folks may have been tuning in to watch ODH than tuned into watch Floyd. I will go so far as to say that that if it were MP fighting ODH instead of Floyd at that time, it still would have been #1. So PPVs may not be best the indicator of popularity. Looking at each fighters countries, Manny is beloved, while at best Floyd, (at best), is controversial. In the fight game, Manny is the best offensive fighter and of all elite fighters, Manny has proven to be the most exciting. It is has also been noted that the general public watches Manny’s fights to see him win, but watches Floyd to see him lose. Politician, actor, singer etc. Like I said, Manny is the most popular.
Manny may not deserve 50%, but he certainly deserves more than $40 million of a fight that is likely to generate upwards of $200 million. Pacquiao’s PPV numbers are nearly as good as Mayweather’s. A 55-45 split favoring Mayweather would be fair and would earn both fighters their best payday ever.
This is a fight that must happen, but in my opinion, Floyd is the one that is preventing it the most. First, he starts accusing Manny of using steroids in the media and then demands that he prove he’s innocent with Olympic Style drug testing. Now, that Manny has finally agreed to take the tests, Floyd states that Manny can only have a lump sum with no share of the PPV earnings. Floyd is not scared of fighting Manny, but he does fear losing his undefeated record. Why else is he turning down the richest fight of his career if all he cares about is the money?
How can Manny be “the most popular” in the world when it is Floyd who is continuously breaking PPV records?
Actually in their last few fights, both have been pretty equal with a slight edge to Manny. (I.e, Manny had the edge in his JMM rematch over Floyd and VO.)
In reality, if there was no MP, I don’t think Floyd would be as relevant as he is today. He is a boring fighter, unlike Ali, Tyson, Hearns, etc, while Manny is an exciting get out of you seat fighter. It has been widely stated that people watch Manny’s fights to see him win, but watch Floyd’s fights to see him lose or get tagged in the face, (your “favorite” fighter sure gave them their “Money’s” worth didn’t he?), Since Floyd refuses to fight Manny, you can now say that folks watch Floyd’s fights to see how he performs against like opponents. It is 4 to 1 in Manny’s favor.
Right now, the most popular fighter on the planet is Manny. I’ve said this before and I will say it again, if Manny and Floyd fight and it is purely a boring boxing match, Floyd will have the advantage. If a fight breaks out along the way, Manny will dominate.
Did don’t know anything about boxing!!! I bet you this guy is black!! Pacquaio have been in the seen in the us early 2000. He’s been boxing as long as Mayweather but on the other side of the world. Pacquaio deserves 50/50 or even more. He is the most exciting fighter out there. Mayweather is a hell of a boring fighter and he admits that himself when he said he wanted the fans to see an exciting g fight by not running from cotto!!!
Cotto made that fight happen and exciting. An you r saying your a cotto fan!??? Bullshit
You wouldn’t be calling him a coward when his the one who chase Mayweather all over the ring.
Pacquaio dropped cotto 2 times and stooped him in 12. And your saying pacquaio doesn’t deserve 50/50!!! You are a Floyd lover and an idiot!!!
Everyone has their own opinion and I respect yours, but if the only point you zoned in on was Simon Cowell and the validity of my reference to Paula Abdul, it leads me to believe you’re the one who doesn’t know much about boxing.
Any opinions on the actual topic at hand? Mayweather? Pacquaio?
Although your American Idol knowledge is quite impressive. (claps)
Simon Cowell is figure head, I should really
Proof read.
I think Simon fuller actually owns Americsn idol brand and Dimon fuller
Is a figure head, so sharing the profits of American idol would be illegal.
Research your references better before publishing, include perhaps talking
To someone who knows a little about boxing, as opposed to you knows
Very very little