My Valentine
Maybe it”s just me.
Maybe I’m just THAT into my kids.
Maybe I just feel it’s the right thing to do.
I don’t know.
All I know is this….I LOVE my kids more than anything in the entire world.
Today I took my daughter on a little pre-Valentine’s Day ‘date.’ My ex-wife has our son tonight for an overnight stay to check on his health, and I have my daughter overnight at my place.
I thought that it would be nice to take her out to dinner and just have some one-on-one time together. Yeah, it’s a Monday and she can’t stay out late and hang with her daddy, but we CAN go out to eat.
I know a lot of men start sweating, thinking about Valentines day, and how they are going to impress some women into giving up the drawers that night….or this weekend. I’m glad I never bought into that ‘tradition.’ Tonight I just wanted to give my girlie a treat and have dinner together. We rarely get to do these things and tonight was a perfect opportunity.
We drove downtown to Greenwich Village and stumbled upon a burger joint. It was cool. Joy Burger. Interesting name – OK food. All of the employees wore outfits that looked like they were mechanics. It was kinda bizarre. Fun little spot for us to hang out. After dinner, we skipped around the village stopping into a
few stores here and there. We got in my car and were about to head home when I saw Magnolia Bakery. I pulled over and told my daughter that I had a special treat. She said “Daddy, what is it?” I told her just to come with me she’ll find out.

Mmmmmmmm. That is all I have to say about Magnolia. I know not every New Yorker loves them, but sorry…I DO! They are my favorite cupcake…so far. Any other suggestions, please pass on the address.
We got one each, and she LOVED it. I sang her a happy valentines day song that I just made up and we devoured them before we even got back into my car. She reminded me that Valentines day was TOMORROW! I told her I didn’t care. She laughed and finished hers before mine.
We came back, did homework together and I put her to bed.
I really, really don’t get it.
Why do men leave their children for better sex from a woman than they get with their wives? Why do men leave their children for anything other than DEATH? Why do women push their men out the door through false allegations of abuse so they can win their custody battle? Why do women think they can raise children better without a father? Why do men ALLOW this to happen?
I’m glad I never let my divorce kept me from spending the time I want to spend with my kids. I don’t know what ‘visitation’ is. What an ugly, outdated word to demean the importance of fatherhood. I suggest from now on, never using that word again. Children need parents, not visitors. I feel no man should allow the divorce industry to marginalize the importance of the father in the lives of children. I know this for sure – no judge, no ex-wife, no New York State law, no jail cell – NOTHING, was ever going to stop me from being a father to my wonderful children.
Children need the mother AND a father. Never forget that.
It is events like tonight that shape a young girl’s view of men. It is the little things that we do as fathers that help our kids grow into young adults with a good strong foundation. The intangible things that men bring to the table are irreplaceable.
I’m taking the time now to enjoy my kids. And I am loving even minute of it…well, at least before they totally turn into little teenage monsters!!!
The lyrics of the song ‘Daughters’ by John Mayer still ring true:
….On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the God and the weight of her worldSo fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
I love it!. I’m glad there are black men out there that truly love their children. We need to hear more stories from our brothers like this.
It is nice to see articles about African-American men who share their love for their kids!