(ThyBlackMan.com) If Michael Jackson were alive, as he should be, there’s no question that the public would not see as much of his kids — Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II, better known as Blanket — as we’ve seen lately. While Michael, especially towards the end, gave us more glimpses of his kids than we were used to, it pales in comparison to all the appearances they’ve made after his death.
On Wednesday’s edition of The X Factor, which turned out to be a tribute to Michael Jackson in addition to a double-elimination round, his mother Katherine Jackson as well as three of his brothers — Tito, Jackie and Marlon — attended the show along with his children.
In the past, ample comments have been made regarding the genetic unlikelihood that these three kids are Michael Jackson’s spawn. Although towards the end of his life, Michael Jackson appeared more white than black. Genetically, there’s no way he could stamp out the lovely brown skin that fueled his God-given good looks early in his career. Yet, his three children came out as white as any kids two Caucasian parents could produce.
After his untimely death, we learned the obvious: Michael Jackson, you are not the biological father of these three kids. His friend “dermatologist” Arnold Klein was tagged as sire of Prince Michael and Paris but not Blanket and their presumed mother Debbie Rowe was revealed as only the surrogate. Even more bizarre, Blanket got here through an unknown surrogate and sperm donor who was reportedly unaware that she was giving birth to Michael Jackson’s child.
Finish story over; TheGrio – Michael Jackson Kids Colorless, etc.Â
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Well, ready are not world here I come. To Shame and Ashley, I read both of your replys, as I was reading them, I found out there was some truth and there also was false information about Michael jackson’s life. Let me set the record straight. I will start off this way because it is nessary and the only way you will understand michael jackson dissocaiting himself with most black people and getting nose jobs and bleaching his skin. This arguement is about wether or not mj had “self hate of being black”. Frist of all Michael jackson’s desire wanting to be the “best” in the entertainment business started from a very early age, yes he father forced him into the music industry, but mj also desired to dance and sing like james brown too. As a young boy 8 yrs. old, mj would watch james brown on tv and learn his dance moves and would get upset if the tv camemras did not show james brown’s feet on tv, because mj wanted to see his feet so he can learn his dance moves. Mj finally learned james brown’s dance moves, and he also could sing too. Joe his father seen mj as his talented child out of all his children and began to put young mj into show business.
Between 1969- 1972 joe jackson once seen his young son mj as a cute kid before purity stated to show. Joe his father would dress his young kid up like a young man, put hats on his head dressed him in cool clothes; joe once said dressing young mj in hats drove the women crazy, joe would get women through young mj’s fans, because joe saw mj not only talented but also cute, at the age of 8 through 13 yrs. old, but around age 14 yrs old joe saw mj’s purity developing, his voice changed and mj’s nose got bigger, and got pimples on his skin, (be honest we all can see the difference too,in mj’s nose size from the year 1969-1972 mj’s nose was regular size, but starting from 1973 his nose grew bigger and his skin got pimples and it sound like he was faking his voice to sound young). Anyways, joe would get mad at mj and say “looking like that, you cannot sing love songs to the fans and try to be cute, you can’t make money that way looking ugly, you do not look like you use to look, when you were younger, your nose is gotton bigger and your skin is nasty”. Joe would constantly tell mj this, not only his father but also his own cousins would tell him this too, Mj siad it on the Martin Bashir interview, and this had an effect on mj’s physiological mind. On the Amercian dream movie,which was based on a true story of mJ’S LIFE, Mj said to his mom at age 16 in 1974 “I’m ugly, my voice has changed, my nose is too wide, I wish I can sing like I use too, and look like I use too, like when I was little”. And Who knows MJ’S nose probably got larger when he hit purity when his voice got deeper and lost the cute soft voice he once had before becoming a teenageer, and was forced to take femine pills by his father joe, so his voice could stay young and soft, so he can continue to sell records like he did when an adolence. (But i ALSO NOTICED HIS NOSE GOT BACK TO THE REGAULER SIZE IT ONCE WAS WHEN HE WAS 11 YRS OLD, IN HIS LATE TEENS AND EARLY TWENTIES, because he got old enough to live on his own and stop being forced to take famie pills his dad made him take, to keep a soft voice, which had a side effect on his nose growing larger than ususal, but the emotioanl damage was already done, and mj deceide to get a nose job, although his nose wasn’t big anymore when he stop taking the pills, his nose was the normal size)_ This is probably why mj loved childern so much too,not only because he lost his childhood, but also because, young childern NOT teenagers, but younger childern age 0-12, because when he was that age it was the goodtimes of his life before getting pimples and developing a big nose and loosing the cute soft voice that once sold many records, and being called cute all the time for so long BEFORE the name calling. Mj himself said in the 1993 interview with oprah winfery, for oprah to ONLY show pictures of himself as an adolence age 12 and younger on national tv, and not when he was a teenager. Mj also said in his on words on the interview, “when I was a young boy in 1970 age 11, the public did not ever want me to grow up, they wanted me to stay little forever, and that is the propblem with child stars, and they are no longer the cute and charming kid they once was,when nature takes its course in changing the way they look”. NOW LETS GET TO THE QUESTION DID MJ HAVE SELF HATE FOR BEING BLACK, and not wanting to surround himself with black people??? the answer is yes and no, the reason mj hated being black, because his own blood father joe and even his cousins called him names for having black skin and having black facial features, “big nose” “pimple face” ” being too black with dark skin” thats is why Mj wanted a nose job, and even after having a nose job, he KEPT getting MORE AND MORE multiple nose jobs, because he had a mental illness of emotional damage from his father and cousins calling him all these names I mentioned above.
nOT ONLY HIS FAMILY CALLED HIM NAMES, BUT ALSO HIS SO CALLED BLACK FANS DID TOO, MJ SAID IT HIMSELF ON THE MARTIN BASHIR INTERVIEW IN 2002 ” a FAN WHO WAS BLACK, WAS LOOKING FOR MJ ON A AIR PLANE IN 1974 WHERE HE AND HIS BROTHERS WERE ON WITH SOME FANS, MJ REMEMBER A FAN WHO WAS BLACK, REPEATLY SAYING ” WHERE’S LITTLE MICHAEL!, WHERE’S LITTLE MICHEAL! LOOKING DOWNWARD LOOKING FOR A LITTLE KID, AND SHE RECOGNIZE MJ BUT A TEENAGE NOT A KID ANYMORE, AND SAYS YUCK!!! WHAT HAPPENED, HE’S UGLY, HE’S NOT CUTE NO MORE!! MJ SAID HE WANTED TO DIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE HE WAS EXTREMELY HURT, HE WOULD OF BEEN BETTER OFF WEARING A MASK ON THE AIR PLANE, SO THE BLACK FANS WOULD NOT SEE HOW UGLY HE LOOKED. In mj’s mind in order to esacpe the torment of looking black and being told black is ugly, by his own father,cousins and even his own fans, he didn’t want to look black at all, so it would not remind him of the name calling, even though he had a small nose after a nose job,during thiller era and was handsome as ever, and mj knew he was handsome too, but he still looked like a black person, and that would remind him of how he was teased as a black man, having the same skin color as a black man, is why he bleached his skin white because he wanted to look completley different, too where he lost all remembrance of the name calling as a black man. You can see A LIVE CLIP of how Michael jackson’s brothers and other black people teaseing each other for being black, ugly, having nappy hair, big nose, etcs. just go on youtube and type in: Rare 1970s studio footage of Michael Jackson with Jacksons & associates. That is why mj did not like being around black people, they have called him names most of his life, white people did not call him names, white people appreicated mj, so mj when he became a young man he wanted to live and look like white people who never done wrong to him, but always loved him. Don’t get me wrong MJ loved some black people too, like Diana ross and his mother, you noticed dIANA rOSS AND HIS MOTHER NEVER DID HIM WRONG EITHER THEY WERE NICE LIKE WHITE PEOPLE, THAT IS WHY HE LEFT HE’S KIDS TO THEM IN HIS WILL AFTER HE DIED. lets be real most black people, are ghetto, mean, voilent, its proves it in the music, rap music, they call each other nigga, monkey, I guess its been taught from gerneration to gerneration from slavery days. black people are treated better by white people and by “good blacks who are from the upper class not as ghetto, most of a majority of black people are ghetto wether they are poor or rich and famous, there are are trashy white people too, but most are upper class white people. Final answer, to all of you with quetsions concerninf mj, the answer is: Mj wanted to look white, be around whites, because of his black family taught him rom a teenager he was ugly simply because he was black. and blacks presented themselves as mean evil to mj, so mj wanted nothing of that gester, if you will, its all his family’s fault not mj’s. But if black people could prove they loved him, he would love them back, like his mother, steve harvey, eddie murphy, diana ross who mj once wanted to marry and have a family with,at age 21 yrs old, diana ross had a small nose and was black, people even said he tried to look like her, where makeup like her, because she was a nice looking black person with a pretty face who loved him since a kid. BUT mj disliked his brothers, father joe and most ghetto blacks for teasing and making him the weriod man he was. BLACK PEOPLE MADE MJ LIKE HE WAS “NOT” WHITE PEOPLE, WHITE PEOPLE MADE HIM THE KING OF POP, MOST BLACK PEOPLE MADE HIM THE WERID JACKO,FOR CALLING HIM UGLY MAKING HIM CHANGE HIMSELF INTOA WHITE MAN, NOT ALL BLACKS BUT MOST, THERE ARE SOME GOOD BLACKS OUT THERE. And none of those kids are mj’s they were givng to him by Debbie Rowe as a gift, who is a white women who treated him like a king, like said earlier,white people loved mj when he was black and when he was white, blacks hated mj when he was black, for thinking he was ugly, and hated mj when he was white for trying to be white blacks are never satisfied, just plain ghetto lol.And for SHAME concern with MJ bleaching his adopted son’s hair blond, the reason for that is Mj liked Macaulay Culkin because he was a white kid who happen to have blond hair and was nice,who hung out with mj for years,and became close frinds without the name calling, mj enjoyed being around him and did not call him names like his black brothers and cousins did when they were kids. so when mj was giving prince by debbie rowe he wanted a son that looked like Macaulay Culkin, so he could remind him of the good times they had together that is why mj bleached his adopted son’s hair blond, not because its a white look. see i understand mj, you all don’t, but now you should after my factual knowledge of mj.
Ok shame, i am going to be the hardest person you have ever spoke too, let me teach you something about MJ, ask any question you want, I CAN ANSWER IT as if i were mj himself. i swear to tell the truth nothing but the truth, go right ahead ask me I’m ready when ever you are.
Oh, and another thing – why don’t you take a MOMENT to check out the autopsy report of Michael Jackson, where it CLEARLY states that he had Vitiligo as well as Hyperpigmentation.
Haven’t done that yet, have you?
You might want to make some corrections of your “article”.
Stop the hate.
Are you aware that Prince has Vitiligo, and Jermaine Jackson has also confirmed this(as well as confessing he has mild Vitiligo)?
I think it’s LOVELY that you are contributing to a problem amongst human beings, excluding people who don’t fit what your common stereotype appears to be — NOT. I’m sure mixed CHILDREN would love to read your article about how their skin isn’t “black” enough for them to be the biological child of their father – a father whom is not pure “Black”, who also has Caucasian and Native American heritage(his own father’s eyes being light).
Mariah Carey, Rashida Jones, Kris Humphries – all people who many have said they thought were “white” until they later found out they are mixed.
Stop picking on children.
Shame, it’s clear that your biggest issue is that Michael had his nose done. So what? As Michael himself said, plastic surgery wasn’t invented for Michael Jackson. Look at some of the other people out there who have done ridiculous things to their face because they were unhappy with something. Just because he changed something he didn’t like about himself doesn’t mean he didn’t like being black. He didn’t like his nose, so what? A lot of people don’t like their noses, which is why plastic surgeons are rolling in the big bucks in Hollywood. Imagine how many nose jobs they do a day? He couldn’t help his skin condition, but I think you’re having a hard time coupling the nose jobs with his changing skin. I personally don’t think there was anything wrong with his nose from the beginning, but I don’t blame him for having it done since that was a feature about himself that bothered him thanks to his father’s merciless teasing.
But it doesn’t mean he hated himself or his race. Plenty of black people in Hollywood have their noses done. But nobody calls them out. What about other celebs that are clearly lighter in skin tone than they used to be without the excuse of a skin disease? Why aren’t people writing articles about them? Michael couldn’t help it, but they can, and they choose to bleach. Why aren’t they being called self-hating freaks?
Michael’s words and his humanitarian efforts far overshadow the nose jobs, IMO. His music speaks of his passion for equality and his contributions to charity show that he clearly did not think differently of black people. If he did, he wouldn’t have had a black woman helping raise his kids. He wouldn’t have left his kids to his black mother or to Diana Ross in the event of his death.
But how is it a sign of obvious self-hate? He’s not the first to dye his kid’s hair, and he wasn’t the last. It’s been said many times before it was for security purposes. If it was for self-hate reasons, why didn’t he dye Paris’ hair? Why not Blanket’s? Prince was dark headed until Paris came along, and then the death threats and kidnapping threats happened, and his hair was dyed. From then on, whenever you saw the kids out and about with Michael, they were covered up. Michael never dyed Paris’ hair or Blanket’s. I can’t explain why Prince’s hair was dyed for a few years, but I don’t think it can be explained away as self-hate, since the other two didn’t have their hair dyed. Paris had very curly, dark hair, and Blanket had even darker hair. He didn’t dye their hair blonde, so how do you explain THAT?
@ Shame
Again, I ask what evidence do you have of him dying his child’s hair color.
Everything you’ve said to me revolves around interracial marriage/ relationships, interracial children, plastic surgery, him straightening his hair, and the race of the friends he had. All propaganda …and little to do with the core subject, because again…Interracial relationships and having children because of those relationships isn’t proof that a person “doesn’t want to be black”.
You keep saying you don’t have an issue with these things yet you keep bringing them up…That speaks to YOUR personal issue with interracial dating and relationships, and little to do with proving Michael Jackson “didn’t want to be black”.
As I’ve also stated plastic surgery wasn’t exclusive to Michael Jackson and he isn’t the only African-American to have something done, so again that doesn’t prove that Michael “didn’t want to be black”.
He certainly wasn’t the only African-American male or female (then or now) to straighten his hair (in fact almost of all of his contemporaries -in his age range- have relaxed hair…male and African-American) so again, that also isn’t proof that Michael “didn’t want to be black”.
Michael had friends all over the world of every race known to mankind…and I know you aren’t saying having friends outside of your race is “bad” or that the races should be segregated, so obviously that isn’t proof that Michael “didn’t want to be black”
So that yet again leads me to the question….Why is Michael being singled out? What makes his situation so unique? Again, I must ask you to say it with me…HIS SKIN COLOR, and the endless and perpetual lies we’ve been fed for 20 plus years.
@Shame, why does it matter why he dyed his son’s hair? He didn’t dye hair on the other two kids, so that blows your “blonde kids” theory out of the water. Celebrities dye their kids’ hair. Michael wasn’t the first, he wasn’t the last. You’re just trying to use Prince’s hair as a way to say Michael hated his blackness. It was said that it was for security reasons, and he didn’t dye the kid’s hair until they started getting kidnapping threats around the time of Paris’ birth. I don’t care why he did it. He didn’t do it forever, it didn’t hurt the kid, so I don’t know you’re so upset about it.
As for Lisa…she herself has said it. He wanted babies. HIS OWN babies. And she wouldn’t bring them into the marriage. He told her that if she wouldn’t have his babies, Debbie would. And Debbie did. Lisa may have left him, but Michael told her that if she wouldn’t have kids with him, Debbie would, so there you go.
As for fans offering to have Michael’s baby, I think he’d rather have babies with somebody he knew. He knew Debbie since the 80s.
As for Paris’ eyes, I don’t think it’s a direct result of Joe, no. But her mother had light eyes, and Joe had light eyes, so I’m not surprised that one of the two had light eyes.
Prince has vitiligo. Michael had vitiligo, it can be inherited, and only .5 to 1% of the world’s population has the condition. So it’d would be a mighty big coincidence for Michael to just happen to get sperm from someone who just happened to pass the same condition down to the child.
You have your beliefs, I have mine. But Michael could not help that he had vitiligo. I don’t fault him for having nose jobs. I don’t care about that. It doesn’t bother me that he changed that part of himself, because he was still recognizable to me as Michael Jackson. His good deeds, the millions he donated to charities, the wonderful things he did to help children and people all over the world, THOSE things mattered to me far more than who he dated, what his kids looked like, what he thought about his race. He said he was a proud black man, and even though you don’t believe him, who am I to call a him a liar? And who am I to call 2 kids who identify as biracial liars when they say they are 100% Jackson, as Paris recently stated on Twitter? The kids know themselves better than we do.
What evidence do you have of him dying his child’s hair blond? If it’s media sources, then that goes back to what I’ve stated about the media knowingly putting out false information…
Interracial dating and having interracial children because of those relationships (or by adoption) was not exclusive to Michael Jackson and is not proof of someone “not wanting to be black”, no matter how many times you mention it…and shows that you do have issues with African-Americans dating outside of their race, though you claim not to.
So again, I must ask…why was Michael Jackson singled out? Say it with me…HIS SKIN COLOR and the lies that have been perpetrated for 20 years plus.
It’s amazing how you can sit here, Shame, and judge a man you never met for actions that you don’t understand. Just because he dyed his kid’s hair doesn’t mean he hates his race. Just because he had children with a white woman does not mean he hates his race. Debbie offered to have babies for him when Lisa Marie wouldn’t. What if Debbie had been black? If she had offered, I’m sure he would have just as easily agreed to have children with her. Debbie offered. That’s all it was. And if Michael wanted all white babies with blonde hair and “white” features, then why didn’t get get a sperm donor that would give him better odds? Why not get a blue eyed, blonde-haired donor to make babies with blonde-haired, blue-eyed Debbie? Instead, he got three kids all with dark brown hair, Paris has super curly/wavy hair, two of the kids have almost black eyes, one has green (as does Joe, so that could explain that) and one has vitiligo, which has been confirmed by the boy himself and Paris on twitter.
If having your nose done is a sign of race hate in Hollywood, then most of black Hollywood hates their noses. If dying your child’s hair blonde is a sign that you want to be white when you’re black, then Chris Brown who died his own hair must hate his blackness, any black woman who has ever worn a blonde wig or let their kid bleach their hair must hate their blackness. If Michael wanted blonde kids, why didn’t he dye Paris’ hair? Or Blanket’s? Why didn’t he get a light-skinned blonde woman to mother Blanket? It has been said that the masks were for security purposes, and even though that’s been confirmed by the kids themselves (so they weren’t recognized) people still talk about it. The hair has been reported to be a security measure. Around the time Paris was born, there were kidnapping and death threats. Prince’s hair was dark up until around April 1998. If Michael wanted a blonde son, why didn’t he get a sperm donor to try to ensure a blonde baby? Why did he get a sperm donor that would pass on vitiligo to the boy, would give him dark brown eyes, dark brown, almost black hair?
Some of you forget what Prince looked like as a baby. His hair was about Blanket’s coloring. If Michael wanted all blonde kids, he would have stuck with Lisa Marie and helped raise her two blonde kids. None of his kids look all that white. They look sort of white (Prince and Paris do) which is not surprising because they have a white, blonde mother. And by the way, if marrying and producing children with someone of the opposite race is a sign of hating your own race, then why doesn’t anybody ever comment about Seal having babies with a white, white, white, blonde woman? Oh, is it because his babies came out looking more like him, that makes it ok?
If they had a problem with him having interracial relationships, as I said before (people have a right to dislike it) but that doesn’t prove he “didn’t want to be black”…and him dating outside of his race wasn’t exclusive to him, so again why was Michael singled out?
His skin color…and the lies that have been perpetuated for two decades plus. That remains the basis of all of it, because (as I also said) without it you have… an African-American male, who had some work done (like MANY of his contemporaries), that had interracial relationships and mixed kids because of those relationships. That’s not justification for saying someone “doesn’t want to be black”.
You say you don’t believe everything you read, but what DO you believe? You believe that a biracial child can’t have long, straight hair? They can. I’ve seen it. When you work where I work and see people of all races and children of all different kinds of parentages, you see plenty of biracial kids that look like these kids in skin tone and hair.
I don’t believe Michael hated his race, you believe he did. But there is no proof that he did. If Michael hated his race based on his nose surgeries, then 97% of black hollywood hates their race. I don’t fault a guy for trying to change what he saw as an imperfect feature. Unfortnately, he always saw himself as ugly, which is such a sad thing, and I believe that was instilled in him as a child by his abusive father.
But I do not believe, by his words or actions, that he hated his race. In fact, I believe he embraced all races, and people just twisted his actions words into something sinister. Like how they took “jew me, sue me,” and “kick me, kike me” in They Don’t Care About Us to mean something Anti-Semitic, even though if you read the lyrics of the entire song, it’s obvious that he was sticking up for all the oppressed. He was the black man, he was the skin head, he was the jew, he was the person being oppressed and beaten down because of who they are.
I think Michael had a very enlightened world view. I don’t think he was self hating at all.
I’m afraid it is you who are not paying attention. I never said you didn’t and/or don’t believe Michael had vitiligo. I am saying the very foundation of the “Michael Jackson didn’t want to be black” belief is and remains his skin color.
Everything you mentioned is null and void without the basis being his skin becoming lighter.
He wasn’t the first black person to get plastic surgery (we could probably compose a LONG list of African-American entertainers who had work done. As Michael himself said, if everyone in Hollywood who has had surgery left, there would be no one left…that wasn’t an exaggeration).
He certainly wasn’t the first black person male or female to straighten his hair and/or wear a wig, nor was he the first or last person to have an interracial relationship, and mixed kids (whether that be biologically or through adoption)…that didn’t and doesn’t make us look at any of the other African-American figures as any less “black”, so what is the driving force behind Michael being singled out? Say it with me…HIS SKIN COLOR, and the perpetual lies we have and continue to be fed by the media.
Without it, you have an African-American male, who had some work done (like MANY of his contemporaries), that had interracial relationships and mixed kids because of those relationships.
That isn’t proof of somebody “not wanting to be black” unless you have a personal issue with interracial dating/marriage, and if so, you are certainly free to feel that way….Do you understand now why his skin condition and the perpetual lies we’ve been fed for over TWENTY years (even when the mainstream media had access to and knew for a FACT that he had vitiligo and other illnesses) is so significant in this conversation?
Again, I am not blaming the African-American community, never have and never will. I am specifically referencing the African-American community because this site is geared toward our community.
Your very response shows that you believe everything you’ve been told and gathered through the mainstream media, because whether you know it or not you’ve just regurgitated everything pontificated in the mainstream media concerning Michael Jackson.
The very basis of our argument IS whether “Michael Jackson wanted to black”, which in itself is a media creation. Justified by the media perpetuating the lie that Michael not only bleached his skin to rid himself of his skin color, but that he even LIED about the fact that he had vitiligo. Did you know there was evidence BEFORE his autopsy and the Conrad Murray trial that PROVED he had Vitiligo, but also the autoimmune disease Lupus? Conveniently, left out in most reports by the media, yet they manage to “dig up” so much else concerning Michael’s life. Interesting, isn’t it?
As I’ve stated, we will obviously agree to disagree, but at some point (be it now or in the distant future) do the research and I promise you, you will see things differently concerning Michael Jackson.
This guy was a dirty peodofile, a dirty pervert, and a looked like a freak show, who use to like sleeping with children, tell me which adult sleeps with children, he will be burning in hell as we speak, good riddance. He likes to pay off families in order for the truth not to be revealed. Just look at the guys face he looks like someone out of a horror show, scarey or what & you call him normal. This guy is an insult to black people. Which true black man wants to look like a white man. The guy had plastic surgery top to bottom. Just look at his picture above in your article his noose looks like its hanging off. He looks whiter than a white man, the man looks ugly & disgusting man, making me feel sick. And than he comes on the opra winfrey show & swears blind he hasnt had plastic surgery, joke or what. His child hood like & the way his dad trated him made him messed up, still no excuse for abusing kids though. This guy was the DEVIL SATAN himself inside him, burn in hell you pervert. People who support him need to look in the mirror (beyond his music) and question themselves, if you know what i mean. So all the people that disagree with me, you must be just like him well done.
@ Shame
I specifically referenced the African-American community because this site is aimed at “us” and “our” issues as a culture and community.
And just as you’ve demonstrated through your various comments you’ve allowed yourself to be blinded by the “media creation” of Michael Jackson’s image in the last 20 years. I’m not going to debate with you because you obviously have your mind made up, we will agree to disagree. However, as I’ve suggested to the author(s) of this article and the staff participating on this site, take an honest, unbiased, and indepth look at Michael Jackson’s life and you will find, as I’ve previous stated, the mistreatment of Michael Jackson by the mainstream media is one of the biggest injustices in our community.
Educate yourself
“I’m not going to spemd my life being a colour” why is it even an issue who Michael married?? Michael wanted Diana Ross he would have married her but she turned him away, but we so easily forget things like this.
I think your the one who has problems beacuse Michael accepted all people and only black/mixed women were his love interests in Music videos except for his wife at the time Lisa marie Presley.
He also said in one of his home videos during the Thriller era that the darker the womens skin the more beautiful they are. I think yo are just trying to fit Michael into your own little box.