(ThyBlackMan.com) While on The O’Reilly Factor recently, Freshman Congressman Allen West (R-FL) proclaimed himself the modern day Harriet Tubman. According to West, “You have this 21st-century plantation that has been out there where the Democrat Party has forever taken the Black vote for granted… So I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman, to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain recently stated “African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view…”
This empty rhetoric may be intended for the consumption of their Republican benefactors and play to the Fox News audience, but it has no traction with the African American community that West proclaims to want to “save.” All too often, writers, journalists, analysts, and others demonstrate their ignorance of African American people and the African American experience by trying to assign simplistic answers to very complex problems, events, and circumstances. This usually results in African Americans and their politics being viewed as devoid of substance and emotion; when in fact, Black politics is policy focused and born out of a people’s historical experience, an experience that includes slavery, oppression, exploitation and the life-long quest for human and civil rights.
Reps. West, Herman Cain, Michael Steele, Alan Keyes, and other Black conservatives continue to proclaim that African American allegiance to the Democratic Party is a baseless, thoughtless response by a gullible people, but they fail to offer any substantive policy that will address the issues impacting the community. I challenge West or Cain to identify any substantive policy initiatives from Republicans that was designed to attract the African American community. They keep inviting African Americans to the restaurant but can’t tell anyone what’s on the menu or how much the meal will cost.
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Herman Cain is the biggest Uncle Tom Sambo I have ever seen in my life. I don’t know how his lips stay on his face because he uses them so much to kiss the a.. of white people. They have no respect for people like him who turn on their own. The same is true of Jessey Lee Peterson and the guy who was president of the Republican party
@Scotty Reid, It says that Democrats are vigorously trying to increase their voting block at the communities expense! Everyone knows about the street pharmacists and how they do nothing but destabilize communities…how is that not a violent crime?
BlackFrankLuntz – Give me a break Frank Luntz!!! That is such a joke.
They’re trying to divide us again…the march back to slavery has begun…
Pauline S. says:
October 9, 2011 at 7:26 pm
“This column ignores history and the fact that if African Americans relied solely on Democrats to end slavery and forward civil rights legislation they’d still be on a plantation.”
And people like Pauline fail to pay attention to current history of the Republican party. Everyone should know that the racist Democrats she is speaking of joined the Republican Party except for a few politicians. The writer makes a great point that she and others ignore. What policies have Republicans passed recently that addresses racial discrimination, gender discrimination, unequal justice and the reemergence of a form of slavery now called the prison plantation where the majority of prisoners are Black and most of them locked up for non-violent so-called drug crimes. Here in North Carolina, we have the only innocence inquiry commission that reviews cases where there is serious doubt about guilt. This three judge panel was set up by Democrats, and now the state Republicans want to eliminate it. What does that say to Black people.
This column ignores history and the fact that if African Americans relied solely on Democrats to end slavery and forward civil rights legislation they’d still be on a plantation. I don’t see how it helps anyone to continue to promote the idea that Democrats have the best interests of African Americans at heart. If in fact that were true wouldn’t the 40 years they were in charge have yielded better results and shouldn’t the entire African American population have been lifted up? You simply cannot have it both ways.
Most blacks don’t know who Margaret Sanger is and what she stood for, much less do they realize that democrats opposed civil rights. History just isn’t their strong point. Other wise they would know that Martin Luther Da king was a republican.
I’d like to add…Cain will be a true ‘healer’. Since Obama has been in power Racism, Class warfare, and Guv corruption has been growing in this country. Most of the ‘hating’ seems to come from the left oddly enough. Go figure. They in turn blame the Tea Parties. Those false claims have made the numbers surge upward for Tea Parties nation-wide. As it should be in a free Republic. Well, after Cain is elected and our Republic experiences an economic BOOM that creates jobs jobs jobs and prosperity for all of the diverse peoples that call America home….let’s just say he will make ‘believers’ of them. They’ll be saying…”What were we thinking”…LOL. Racism, Class warfare and Guv corruption have NO place in a just, fair and free nation.
Let the healing begin! Vote for Herman Cain!
Mr. Herman Cain and Allen West are fine examples of patriots. The ‘king-makers’ just don’t get it.
It’s not about Romney’s ‘faith’ or Perry’s ‘feelings’. It is about leadership and who the people want. Not the media’s favorite. Not the Parties favorite. It is about who ‘We the People’ want. When will the powers that be understand that? Yes, Perry and Romney have tons of money and rich ‘backers’ from the public and private sectors. Yes they ‘look’ the part. But their records don’t impress and when they open their mouths they don’t inspire and we hear a lot of blah blah blah. People are using the term…Rinos…to describe them. They seem to prefer the ‘shallow end of the pool’. Money can’t buy you love or the Presidency. ‘We the People’ have a desire to elect strong men and women with undying principles, common sense, and open minds. These people love the ‘deep water’. They can ‘see’ the need for bold changes to a ‘broken system’. We have a horrible economy and debt that is nearing 15 trillion. The old system, with BOTH parties playing along, is the reason we are in this mess. That is undeniable.
When people say Cain or Paul can’t possibly ‘fix’ this fiasco because of a lack of experience or expertise or wisdom it is laughable. If our, current and recent, past leaders possess all of those fine ‘qualities’ why are we still in this GIGANTIC mess???Something just isn’t right. We’ve had a huge failure of leadership. A trashed economy, a horrible tax system, and unfathomable spending (for decades)…Let’s just agree the system is broken and the folks that have broken it can’t be ‘trusted’ to fix it. That is the belief of conservative America and the Tea Parties…like it or not.
‘We the People’ have had the course. We want something different. We are telling you that poll after poll after poll. AND we are going to make it happen come hell or high water. 2012 is going to be the start of something significant and fresh. America is coming back stronger than ever before. Vote for Cain, Paul and other patriots. Vote for fiscal responsibility and personal freedom! Take back our Republic!
I would rather be free and have nothing of value than be under control of the government and have all it has to offer. It is time we wake up and stop looking for the government to give us handouts. After reading your article I am sad. Stop living in the past and move forward PLEASE!
The Democratic Party is a shame who hates God, through policy, and manipulates the poor and needed for personal gain. Freedom from government is the only way any man/women in this country, like Cain and others, will finally be free. Free from a governing body controlling us and telling us how to live and where to live and what to think. The entire idea of socialism is anti-God! Who needs God when you have the government to meet all your needs?
Wake up!