(ThyBlackMan.com) Someone told me recently she liked reading my blog but it seemed like everything I wrote about was race. I guess I’m going to live up to that person’s perception today. Admittedly, I write from the perspective of a black woman, so I can’t help notice these type of stories. For the record the purpose of my blog is to educate people on politics, awaken black liberals to a new way of thinking and encourage people to vote based on issues not party.
I don’t intentionally sit down at the key board each week itching to write about the intersection of politics and race but it seems there is always a politically racial story staring and at times smacking me in the face. Like today, when the only black Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said it was “insulting” for Governor Rick Perry and his family to lease a hunting camp in Texas known as “Niggerhead.”
This racist word used to describe blacks is emblazoned on a rock prominently situated at a gated entrance to the camp. The Washington Post broke the story, detailing how the rock has been painted over, turned over but not removed since Perry’s father and later the Governor himself began leasing the spot in 1983.
Herman Cain condemned Perry for being associated with such a word, saying on This Week:
“Since Gov. Rick Perry has been going there for years to hunt, I think that it shows a lack of sensitivity for a long time of not taking that word off of that rock and renaming the place. . . .Yes, it was painted over. But how long ago was it painted over? So I’m still saying that it is a sign of insensitivity.”
One would think conservatives, including those who call themselves Republicans like me and Tea Party Patriots, would be applauding Herman Cain’s response. After all, many of these same conservatives have said they whole hearted support of Herman Cain as a candidate has nothing to do with the color of his skin but his positions on ALL issues, one would assume they would be supportive of Herman Cain’s position on racial equality and inclusion.
So, you can surmise I was surprised when people on my tweeter stream turned on Herman Cain, blasting him for “using the race card.” Yes, these good PATRIOTS who supported Herman Cain were now defending Perry’s complicit endorsement of the use of the N-word by not removing the ugly rock form the camp site. Click on below image.
But the tweets below are worse and demonstrate conservative voters need to come to grips with the reality that we live in the 21st century where there is no place for the word nigger in the American discourse nor should it be associated with any presidential candidate who actually wants to win in 2012.
Click on below image.
It truly boggles the mind how some conservatives can support Herman Cain in one breath because he’s got winning solutions then dump their support for him and unfollow him in seconds because he stands up against racial hate. Apparently, talking about race as a conservative candidate is taboo. You can’t mention it PERIOD, even when it’s slapping you in your face.
Does the #GOP want to win in 2012 or become known as party of hate? Ask yourself and change that tune, please! This is exactly what the #GOP doesn’t need right now. It won’t endear voters to us in 2012. Excelsior Herman Cain!
Written By Crystal Wright
Official website; http://www.conservativeblackchick.com
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It is easy to find inappropriate and hateful comments on any site that does not closely monitor them before allowing them to be posted. I assure you that many posters will be calling tea partiers tea baggers, which is a sexual term in England and now here. Morgan Freeman just said that tea party people were racists. White liberals call people racists on a very regular basis. Herman Cain is virtually called a racist. By the way he is my choice for POTUS. Calling people crackers, racists, teabaggers et all may not be as bad as the n word but it is hurtful and intended to be so. There should be no sense of self righteousness in people who use these terms either.