(ThyBlackMan.com) In a recent Your Black World survey, readers were asked to ascertain the racial implications of the case of Casey Anthony, a mother who was recently exonerated in the death of her two year old daughter, Caylee. After the surprising not guilty verdict, people across the nation were wondering if Casey would have received the same treatment had her name been Laquita Monteray Jackson. In other words, would she have received the same treatment if she’d been a black woman accused of killing her own child?
Results of the survey indicate quite clearly that African American respondents do not believe that the verdict would have been the same if Casey had been black. A full 86.3% of the respondents said that the verdict would have changed to “guilty” had she been African American. Only 4.2% said that the verdict would have been the same, with the remainder saying that they weren’t sure.
When participants were asked “Should Casey Anthony have been allowed to go free?” nearly two-thirds of the respondents (63.5%) said ” no,” implying that they believe she is guilty of the crime. Only 14.5% of the respondents said they believe Casey Anthony to be innocent of the charges.
The survey also appears to be reflective of a general distrust of the criminal justice system by members of the African American community. When asked “Do you think the justice system is fair with regard to race?” 94.3% of the respondents said “no.”
While the Casey Anthony trial can’t quite be compared with the racially-charged OJ Simpson case, the results of the survey seem to argue that people of color felt that Anthony’s skin color played a role in her being allowed to go free. One of the points of my first book, “What if George Bush were a Black Man?” was to investigate the idea that people of color don’t tend to get the same breaks and second chances that might be given to them if they were white. It’s hard to imagine a black woman in the national spotlight for allegedly with killing her child being allowed to walk out of the court room and move on with her life.
This case, as well as the OJ Simpson trial (to a greater extent) taught us a few things about America.
Staff Writer; Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition. For more information, please visit http://BoyceWatkins.com.
How long are Black people gonna ride the “Whitey is out to get us” BS…. As long as you can I guess…. which seems forever. I was raised in the getto in Atlanta. I put myself through school, speak the English language in a proper manner, and am accused of being “A black cracker” all the time. Get off your woe is me, the white man owes me something, I’ll just “Take what I want” asses. You all are doing to yourselves. Try joining the human race for a change !!!
This is ridiculous, OJ was found not guilty and everyone thinks he did it. He’s black. The Anthony case was the case white or black it would have not changed anything. The jury would have had the same verdict. It’s not about white or black it’s about how good of a defense team you can assemble in accordance to your cash flow. Low income people white or black get the shaft all the time. In the Anthony case the prosecution could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt, period. Black America you have to move forward and stop with the “Well if she were black” discussion, all it does is keep you down. You are what you think your are and you will be treated as such…White or Black. The way anyone is viewed depends on the person themselves regardless of race. Stop making this self inflicted division. Stop being “Black” and and just start “being” period.
I am a white woman, and I immediately had the same thought when I heard the verdict. Not only would Anthony have been convicted if she were black, but this incident probably wouldn’t have even made national news (see “missing white girl syndrome”). I’m also of the mind that Anthony’s personal appearance had a lot to do with the verdict. Pardon the stereotyping, but if she had been a toothless, overweight woman from a trailer park, she probably wouldn’t have been let off so easy either.
You need to do an article on Media Brainwashing because it’s real. Most of your article are filled with people who have been brainwashed by the media. This is what The Window Seat Video really mean. Stop allowing the media to sway your decisions and think for you. Case and Point look at Marcel’s post (no offense) but it’s riddled with the same images played over and over and over and the same statements repeated over and over and over.
You call this woman terrible yet what do you know about this woman other than what the picture the media painted. This case alone will have a long lasting effect on Anthony’s young life she will basically whore herself out to another media outlet for 5 times the amount of money they had to pay her to use her images on TV during the trial (yes they paid her to use her party pictures) to make a made for tv movie about Anthony. Only for you to sit back, watch, and judge.
But back to my original topic, if you haven’t already you need to really look into Media Brainwashing and the effects it has on American’s as a whole and the huge effect it has on African-Americans. After looking through the archives alot of the columns are riddled with Media Brainwashing from Vilifying Lebron to calling Russel Simmons a Pimp. As i peruse your archives I am pretty sure I will find more.
You have some GREAT educational topics so lets get back to that and get off the Pulse of the Nation crap that this topic, other topics, and the Media as a whole seem to be pushing.
This I don’t agree with. While it would have been a more private hearing and wouldn’t have been drawn out for weeks I can’t honestly say that it wouldn’t have been the outcome. First, you all need to remove the personal disgust you all have for this woman because NOBODY on this earth know what really happened except her and her parents. There was not irrefutable proof that she did anything. If she were black would she have gotten a harsher sentence? If she were black would she have been vilified by millions of people around the nation? The answer is WE DON’T KNOW!!! Like someone else said money plays a HUGE part in this as well as the fact the Prosecution had a very very very poor strategy going into the case. Their attempt to divide the family and put them against one another only made it worse.
First things first, this case wouldn’t have gotten as much press if it was a young black mom and a 3 or 4 year old black girl (believe me Search Christian Woods bet 85% of ya’ll never even heard this story). Second, she wouldn’t have been vilified she would have been written off as a drug addict, whore, or some other demeaning profile early and pretty much just thrown in jail. Being black doesn’t get you thrown in jail being broke does since public defenders don’t really care whether you go to jail or not just if they get paid.
We as black folks really need to stop with this “If she was black….” its really disgusting we can never move forward as a culture and as brothers and sisters if we always focus on the past and what would happen if a black person was in the same shoes. Am I defending the United States legal system HELL NO!!! Our Nations legal system is a joke, but so is our Financial system, Government from Local all the way up to Federal, and our School system. There are much bigger problems in the world than focusing on if Casey Anthony was black. So please stop this NOW!!
Now this, I agree with. I think if Casey was black, she would have been convicted.
yea. i feel u alot of people felt that way. casey anthony is who she is.she is a terrible person had sumthing to do with her daughter death. lol the race part is intresting dynamic of it. she had money and skill lawyer most blacks dont thats not anthony fault tho. o j did he got off point is if more blacks were wealthy they would get off by haveing better lawyers. more than it was about race its about green man
Race has always played a role in a verdict but it also depends on how white people view the case. Some whites will vote guilty just to send a black person to jail, on the other hand you will have some whites voting innocent to let a black person off for some crime especially if it was black on black. And the logic behind it would be “thats just the way black people act and there’s no way to control them”.
I am a white male, but I had exactly the same thought as you. When I heard the verdict, I said to myself that if she had been African American or Hispanic, she would have been found guilty of 1st degree murder. There is no justice in America.