(ThyBlackMan.com) The state security apparatus that came into being during the Bush administration is now supported just as strongly, if not more so, under President Obama. There has been no change in a system that becomes stronger with each passing day and which faces almost no political opposition.
The Obama Justice Department recently asserted that it could withhold classified information from a federal judge. Federal judges have security clearances and are permitted to see classified information in cases brought before them. Justice says that only the executive branch has the power to determine what information courts ought to have. The federal judge was so stunned that she described herself as “literally speechless” over the government claim that she ought to be kept in the dark.
Protecting Bush abuses
Thomas Drake is a former employee of the National Security Administration now charged with violating the Espionage Act. He faces 35 years in prison, having been accused of giving documents to a reporter. Candidate Obama said he would protect the rights of whistleblowers, but now as president he tries to send them to jail.
The Obama administration has brought five Espionage Act prosecutions to court, more than all other past administrations combined. Not content to defend Bush era abuses, and send whistleblowers to jail, Obama and Congress have extended the PATRIOT Act, without changes, yet again.
Same concerns
When George W. Bush was president, many others and I often used the word “fascism” to describe the growth of government powers and the diminution of our rights. Now that Barack Obama is making those very same assertions of executive power, should we not continue to raise the same concerns?
The sad fact is that the surveillance state has strong bipartisan support and it is likely to only expand. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were the impetus for the PATRIOT Act and wars of aggression, but events that ought to signal a return to normalcy never do.
The death of Osama bin Laden was supposed to make us safer. That is what we have been told for nearly ten years. Now that he is dead we are told that his death proves the need to continue doing away with civil liberties. We are told that we still have to fight endless wars and that we can’t ever get our rights back.
Obama a ‘neo-con’
Conservative Bill Kristol hit the nail on the head when he called Barack Obama a “born again neo-con.” Kristol had reason for this high praise after the president sought out his advice before telling the world that he intended to make war against Libya.
The right wing who Democrats use to keep unqualified support in their ranks are now getting offline access to the man we are told must be protected from them. Of course that doesn’t make any sense – and neither do efforts to come to Obama’s defense on civil liberties or on any other issues either.
Written By Margaret Kimberley
Official website; http://BlackAgendaReport.com
The Obama Justice Department recently asserted that it could withhold classified information from a federal judge. Federal judges have security clearances and are permitted to see classified information in cases brought before them.
I have a Security Clearance but that does not give me a right to view or handle classified data. There is a “Need-to-Know” for all classified information. A Top Secret clearance follows the same rules. The next time the writer should do more reseach and get the story straight. As for me and my house – we support President Barack Obama!!!
We Americans have a tendency to swallow every news report as though it’s gospel and to react in knee jerk like fashion – much like automatons. To shift our loyalties to someone like Ron Paul is not only an idiotic act. It is psychotic. We change political directions much the way we change underwear. If it begins to smell instead of washing it, we go shopping and buy another pair. When are we going to wise up and start demanding some accountability and responsibility rather than switching horses in mid stream and expecting a different outcome?
Change Registration Republican (even temporarily) and vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary to set up national presidential debate between the Champion of the Constitution and Yes-We-Can Obama.
Citizen Cain supports gun control and the TARP Bailouts. There’s no way I can support a gun grabbing socialist.
I’m supporting Ron Paul in 2012.
“Conservative Bill Kristol hit the nail on the head when he called Barack Obama a “born again neo-con.”
Coming from the son of the man who was dubbed “Godfather of Neoconservatism” (Irving Kristol)…son Bill knows his neo-conservatism quite well, thank you.
Allen West is a neo-con. Hermain Cain was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas, pro status quo all the way.
Ron Paul has been speaking the truth for 30+ years, and he predicted nearly everything we are experiencing today. Please watch this, and you’ll see: http://youtu.be/pvlUx5ECD2w
It’s difficult to point out any significant “change” from the Bush presidency to Obama’s. The differences are only shades of grey.
Vote YES to Dr Ron Paul, and NO to neo-con Allen West and NO to Ex-Federal Reserve Chairman, Cain.
Paul = consistency. Paul = change.
We need Paul as our president, he has vowed to pardon ALL non-violent drug offenders in prison! That would be the single greatest reform this country has ever seen!
West once discharged his sidearm next to the head of a bound prisoner so I guess he supports “enhanced interrogation techniques”.
Once you can do that to the enemy,it’s not too big a leap to do it to an American. After all, we are all enemy combatants or not at the whim of the President now.
I like Herman Cain but he was with the Federal Reserve and those are the people that helped that make this financial mess. I say vote Ron Paul. I like his idea of freedom, no Soviet style country and eventually getting rid of the income tax, sounds goood to me, especially if you are a waitress, he wants us to keep our tips instead of sharing them with co-workers, I like that. His voting record is impressive. The mainstream seems to lie about him, he’s a good candidate. My vote is with him!
I haven’t done further research, YET, on Allen West, so I have nothing to say, good or bad, about him. However, I have done research on Cain, and I believe he’s the same-old, same-old. He used to work for the Federal Reserve. He says the Federal Reserve does not need audited. In addition, he was involved in a scandal:
Republican Presidential Hopeful Herman Cain Screwed Employees Out of Millions
Ron Paul has predicted the economic mess in this country for several years. I trust him. He is consistent, he is not in the pocket of lobbyists, he wants the Constitution followed, he wants to restore our freedoms. He has real solutions. What’s not to like?
Mr. Cain stated in the first debate that he had to wait for the experts to tell him what he thinks.
Ron Paul has had the same foreign and economic policy for his entire adult life, and is considered an economic expert by international bankers. During the 2008 election an international bank said Paul receiving the Republican nomination would strengthen the dollar. That has been said about no other political candidate in America’s history. If you want real change to the economy then we have to stop our interventionist foreign policy. America leads by example and right now the example we are setting is that constant warfare, an erosion of civil liberties and over-spending stand for hypocrisy. We need to listen to Paul and start to change our basic policy to one of non-intervention and sound money. This is the only way to personal liberty and economic prosperity.
Don’t underestimate the Cain Train, friends. With his rising poll numbers, his fundraising will take off too. America is desperate for a change of course, before Obama ruins us.
Check out this humorous little bit of Hollywood trickery that pits a stuttering, stammering Barack Obama against Herman Cain as they debate the merits of health care reform. Barack Obama’s worst nightmare, indeed!