To Strengthen The Black Family…

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( Rehabilitation of unsuccessful Black families begins with any Black person who possesses enough insight to start rehabilitating his own family, nuclear or extended. Each mature Black individual must make a commitment to love and care about others in their own family in faith and without making excuses.

Forgiving is essential. Self-restraint is essential. Giving is essential. If wholesome, adapting, vibrant Black families are to be, it is up to me. That is  my motto. I accept the economic challenges that have evolved and that may evolve in my life time. I dedicate myself to create as best as I can a legacy that will bequeath to future generations of family members, economic literacy and certain other incentives to make good and informed choices in their lives that are principle-based.

Each African-American who has enough insight to see that black families are in crisis needs to begin the process of assisting with that rehabilitation. The process of rehabilitation is not enhanced that much by empty preaching to others nor is it furthered by abstract theorizing and argumentation. Black family rehabilitation is the challenge we face. 

The needs differ from family to family. In some families the needs are for deep emotional healing. In others the needs are for increased educational opportunities, in still others the needs are for individuals who can reach out and assist family members who need their assistance. Let individuals who are aware, begin a needs assessment within their own families. Based on the results, based on the resources available, let like minded family members come together to reason together as to how they can improve their family.

Written By Minister Victor Langhorne

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