(ThyBlackMan.com) ‘But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hat committed adultery with her already in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.’
– Matthew 5:28-29
#7: The Watch Tower of Babel: If clockin’ made some angels fall, then watchin’ contains some fatal flaws. (Genesis 6:1-5)
Truth be told, many evils that have ravaged the earth and mankind stem from fallen angels – the third of the heavenly host that rebelled against God along with lucifer. Genesis alludes to the fact that some did so because they lusted after the daughters of men. So if an angel can fall for a woman and eventually procreate with her, what makes us think we’re above the same result? We that were made a little lower than angels (Psalm 8:5). Sure our fall is a lot shorter but the point is, looking can take us down!
#6. Who’s Wearing the Pants Out in Your House?!!: Husbands, pull your pants up – stop panting after women who aren’t your wives!
Have you ever thought about the other wife/husband you are disrespecting when you stare at another women? Let’s take that concept a step further, though. It’s not just about staring at someone who you know is married… gawking at that young single hottie applies as well! She is meant to be someone’s wife at some point in her life – someone whom God has already ordained. Unlike the best man’s duties in medieval times, it is NOT our duty, privilege or right to soften up for her future mate with your hardcore ogling. We must make a covenant with our eyes. (Job 31:1)
#5a. Watching My Superlative Figure: Mine eyes were meant to spy mental pictures of my wife’s girlish figure.
#5b. The Curvature of My World: The curvature of my eyes must fit the curves of her who is my bride.
#5c. Flash Photography: When my wife flashes me, her image captures the imagination.
Our eyes will never yearn and desire completely for our wives if we’re constantly getting “fill-her-ups” from other places. If we starve our eyes during the day, they’ll be thirsty and hungry to devour our wives at night! Trust me – you will see your wife with very literal new eyes if you just let them dry out from drinking in other women. The Sopranos had it wrong – the philosophy that mistresses are needed to keep your wife pure by doing all the dirty things you wouldn’t do to her to someone else is wrong. Likewise, if you look at dirty magazines lustfully in an attempt to preserve the image of your wife (I had that rationality myself), you’re wrong. See #3: garbage within, garbage without. Clean up your mind and eyes and realize that your wife is meant to be the focal point of ALL your sexual desires.
#4. Garbage (With)In, Garbage (Through)Out a.k.a. Defileth 13: Feasting your eyes on desires primes the pump for defiled stomachs.
(Matthew 15:10-11)
We’ve all been guilty of it. Seeing a woman in the course of the day that is so striking, you have to take a mental snapshot. But that snapshot can come up while being intimate with our wives later on. Perhaps it comes up intentionally because you’ve lost “that feeling” or are trying to end a cumbersome episode. Perhaps it comes up unintentionally as a quick flash. Either way, it defiles our marriage bed and disrespects our wives whom we are in covenant relationships with (Hebrews 13:4). Besides, who amongst us wants to make love to a women amidst garbage?
#3. A Remotely Controlled Location: Men without control are like cities without walls – ripe for the taking. (Proverbs 25:28)
Self-control guards us from being easily ransacked, pillaged and plundered. By what you ask? Pick your poisonous vice: a strange woman (Proverbs 5:3-5) pride, alcohol, drugs, etc. Once this broken gate is pried open, it leaves a man susceptible to whatever the wind may blow in.
#2: Loving Eyes: Since we can’t yet see the One we love, we have to love the ones we’re with. (1 John 4:20)
Although I realize that 1 John 4:20 talks about compares the love (or lack thereof) one has for his brother who can be seen to the love one has for God Who has not been seen; but in the same manner that “man” in the Bible refers to mankind, “brother” is inclusive of “sister.” In particular for this countdown, one’s wife is your sister in Christ. That being the case, If we say that we love God Whom we have not seen but cannot fully love our wives whom we see everyday because we’re too busy looking somewhere else… well, we’re just blind to the facts.
#1: Wholly Spirited Away: Being totally committed keeps you wholly in flesh and spirit.
Being “holy” is related to the word “whole.” When we have fully given ourselves to the Lord by removing the things in our lives that have been placed on the same level as or before Him, we are giving ourselves completely to Him; not withholding any part of ourselves that we may wish to keep in the darkness as we present ourselves before the light of God (1 John 1:5). Likewise, in one’s marriage, men are not to be parsed out to different “eye commitments” which keeps him distant from his wife and the God he serves for the Lord does not tolerate infidelity in our relationships – neither with Him or our wives.
NOTE: Many of these insights (pun intended!) were gained upon reading Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.
Staff Writer; Reggie Legend
Can find more about this writer over at; http://www.steelwaterspoetry.com
Also available as a Keynote Speaker – Book him Today; Speakerwiki – Reggie Legend
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