U.S. Imperialism, Vietnam War Resistance, and the Call for a 2024 Peace Movement.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) During the 1960-70;s when the US government targeted Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia) to expand its imperialist and neocolonialist empire, there was great opposition to the wars in that region and someone asked the question, “what if they gave a war and no one came?” There was much resistance and noncompliance towards the war and military conscription. Protesters burned the American flag, men burned their draft cards, refused induction, some left the country, a few had the courage of their convictions and went to jail rather than kill for the war profiteers and the US military-industrial complex. It was a tumultuous time in America. The country was deeply divided along racial and ethnic, ideological, class and political fault lines.

U.S. Imperialism, Vietnam War Resistance, and the Call for a 2024 Peace Movement.

Having lived through that era I see numerous similarities to what is going on in this country today. History is repeating itself. Back in the day, we had to sift through the lies and propaganda about the reasons for the war, the casualty numbers and the outlook and prospects for victory. We need to do that again now as the US prepares for even more war.

As a young man I opposed the Vietnam war, I could not see myself going halfway around the world to fight and kill people I did not know for abstract concepts like freedom and democracy that me and my people did not have or experience in real time here in America! To me that was hypocritical especially when the draft was taking Black men languishing in the US racialized cast system in disproportionate numbers compared to White males and because well to do Whites were able to get out of being drafted!

On top of that my mother’s family had been traumatized a generation earlier when the US government took their property in Caroline County Virginia to expand Fort A.P. Hill a military training base there. They were given just thirty days to vacate their property and they weren’t given any compensation for its confiscation and appropriation by the government. They were put off of their own land by a government that gave them no respect when racial caste and oppression was the law and norm in this country.

I always sensed a pall of sadness whenever my great aunt and her husband with whom we lived and other relatives spoke of those occurrences. Their experiences shaped my stance on Vietnam despite being brainwashed by the public education propaganda and indoctrination system to be gong ho regarding US imperialism, manifest destiny and such.

I also heard tales of my great uncle who served as a Dough-boy in WWI. He lost an eye in Europe “fighting for his country” and returned to America to face deeply entrenched racism and rigid color cast restrictions. Growing into young adulthood during those times, fairness and justice were critical aspects of patriotism. In my mind it was a two way street a mutually beneficial agreement and arrangement between the government and its citizens not just mindless obedience to the government. I did everything I could not to go off to war and fight for a government that had so egregiously wronged my people.

Fast forward to 2024, the nation is still deeply divided along the same lines as in 1960’s and 70’s but now we add the immigrant, gender, trans and LBGTQ+ chasm and hardening economic apartheid to the mix. In 2024 it appears, if one is observant, the ruling oligarchs are heading towards more wars, they are moving beyond the proxy wars like Korea before the escalation in Southeast Asia and the various “police actions” and covert ops towards direct confrontation with nations like Russia China and Iran.

In 2024 war takes on a new face, we’re seeing economic sanctions, commercial coercion, asymmetric cyber-warfare, geoengineering, aerial drones, unmanned boats and advanced technology being employed by the US, its allies and potential adversaries alike. Yet as with most modern wars the main casualties are innocent civilians, men women and children. Classic examples of this are the genocide and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinians and the devastatingly injurious consequences of economic sanctions the US has imposed on over twenty nations around the world!

Like most invaders and aggressors the Israelis justify their war crimes under the guise of “defense”. Rubbish! The whole world sees what is going on in Gaza. Two international criminal courts have issued condemnations but they lack enforcement powers! Plus the United States and it allies fully support the bloodbath there as well and the escalating war in Ukraine/Russia. The US and its NATO allies have given the green light to the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to directly attack Russian territory which they are doing. None of this is going to end well. The US economic sanctions are just as deadly but they are tolerated since they receive very little media coverage and no bullets or missiles are used!

What if there was a revitalization of a bona fide Peace Movement and people were willing to sacrifice for Peace to the same degree we acquiesce to war? What if people stopped believing and tolerating the government’s lies and asked what are the real costs of human suffering on all sides and called the government on its war profiteering and warmongering? What if more people supported the young students who stood up for Peace against Israeli genocide, or demanded an end to the wars in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America? What if the young people now subjected to conscription and mandatory military service said Hell no we won’t go? What if people were more sensitive and empathetic towards the suffering of their fellow man, what will it take for us to see it’s only a matter of time before the government warmongers turn their sights on us?

What if we asked ourselves what would we do if a global war was staring us in the face; because it is. What if we boycotted and unions called strikes until the government changed its policies? What if you, me and more people were willing to sacrifice for what is right instead of remaining disengaged as the world teeters on the brink of war? What if we decided to be resolute and steadfast for Peace even in the face of an onslaught of propaganda and lies, government coercion and force? What if peace lovers had the courage of our convictions, what type of world would this be?

Written by Junious Ricardo Stanton

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