Why has Mayorkas not been fired, or impeached?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) It is clear that America is not what it used to be, from the proud and hard-working individuals and families from decades ago, to our momentous institutions and global leadership, there has been a rapid decline in those things that made America America, and Americans Americans.

It is not unreasonable to think that it is possible that the nation we cherish so much may not resemble a reasonably recognizable version of itself in the future, for if a nation has no borders or enforces its border sovereignty, it ceases to be a nation.

Black Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, and White Americans: Why has Mayorkas not been fired, or impeached?

Under Joe Biden, America is facing the worst border crisis in our history. With the assistance of United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden administration has subverted America’s border integrity with policies that are creating a growing national security crisis, putting the lives and safety of Americans across the country at risk.

I have spent a substantial amount of time discussing the incompetence of Biden, but the ineptness of Mayorkas is something I am past overdue to discuss. I’ve read somewhere that U.S. Customs and Border Protection had over 1.7 million encounters with illegal aliens at the southern border in Fiscal Year 2021 alone – reportedly the largest amount ever recorded in a single year. According to the New York Post, over 4 million (known) have entered the U.S. illegally since Biden took office.

None of this could have been possible without the shadiness of Alejandro. Clearly he still has some of that Cuban Marxism running through his veins, or else he would not have pushed for allowing 30,000 illegal immigrants monthly to enter the country from Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. He was quick to use his office for personal and economic gain (allegedly)when he provided special treatment to rich foreigners trying to get their hands on visas and green cards. The program known as EB-5 Immigrant Investor visa program, provides a means for foreign investors willing to pour $800,000 into U.S. business efforts in exchange for a green card. Some notable benefactors (all democrats) that I know who have played this game include Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham, former Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe (electric cars), and former Senator Harry Reid. Outside of this, he has done nothing.

It is downright criminal for Secretary Mayorkas’ to claim that the border is secure, under control, and closed. He has run the most open and disastrous open border ever which in my eyes makes him and the administration criminally complicit in all drug running and human trafficking operated by the cartels.

He would rather put ICE and border patrol agents out to dry than support their actions completely with all of the resources at his disposal.

Biden and Mayorkas have converted the Southern border into a complete nightmare. As it stands for 2023, nearly 170 migrants on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist have been stopped attempting to to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, compared to 100 in 2022.

The number of Chinese illegal migrants entering the US at the southern border illegally is also on the rise. CPB officials report that almost 25,000 Chinese nationals (most of military age) have been stopped at the border with Mexico over the 2023 fiscal – a figure more than 12 times the previous fiscal year. Moreover, this represents an increase plus 7,000 percent from 2021.

I reckon, that if he wanted to and had the appropriate skill set, he could do something about this. There are already numerous laws on the books he could enforce.

Mayorkas is a shame to our country. Why does this man still have a job? By the sheer dereliction of his duties, he is complicit in aiding and abetting the cartels, trafficking drugs, and lowering the standard of living for Americans of all expressions. I cannot say what I believe this man deserves. He has betrayed his oath and every single American citizen.

When pressed on the subject, he never actually answers a question, he just dances around questions and deflects. I must say he is brilliant at it. One reason why I sometimes find myself on the inside saying Mayorkas is very competent at being incompetent. In a world with consequences. He should be brought to trial for dereliction of duty. Ask him a question and he proceeds to answer a question that he was never asked. Man has no idea of how many undocumented children they have caught or released, let alone who they released them to.

Again, how in the world was Mayorkas confirmed and how has he not been fired? If our politicians had any gonads they would stop with the frivolity of making nice, thanking these folk for the privilege of their presence. These unelected Appointees need to be mandated to explain themselves on a regular basis and not just during a special hearing.

Maybe the joke is on me, and Biden and the Obama hoods got exactly what they wanted, maybe Mayorkas was hired to do exactly what he does. The people who tasked him are criminals of the worst kind in my eyes. If I didn’t hate the guts of snakes like him, I’d have to admit he is brilliant at doing exactly what he was tasked to do.

Letting known people associated with known terrorists walk through and even give bus passes to their destinations is ridiculous. The gates are wide open and the DHS has no intention of doing anything about it. How can the American people tolerate this? Such an amazing country is being destroyed by officials who can’t or won’t do their job.

At this point, I can’t come up with any explanation for his actions other than him getting payoffs from someone. How can one man be so arrogant, and condescending? He will never give a straight answer and his responses sound like they came out of the mouth of Kamala Harris. I hope he is locked up for life for allowing all the millions of illegal immigrants through our borders. We give billions to Israel, and Jordan to construct border barriers, but we cannot have one.

What a waste of time and money. All this corruption and no arrests. Unelected bureaucrats just do what they want with no consequences. We need this man to resign he has no clue what he and this Administration have done to our country. They don’t know how many people they (not Trump) they have let in.

We’re dealing with a broken Department of Homeland Security, which leaves the average citizen to live with the results of political pencil pushers not being able to close and protect our sovereign borders. Most people know that 600,000 to 900,000 got-aways is enough for an army that could attack us from the inside

If an Individual got away, we don’t know if they are a threat to our country because we don’t even know who they are or where they are. How can they be a priority if you let them get away in the first place?

Mayorkas rubs me the wrong way and doesn’t seem at all concerned about any border issues. Otherwise, he would know who is and isn’t a security risk at the border, or at a minimum know who these individuals are. This is the problem – discretion. No federal branch should have discretion on what laws to enforce or not enforce. They need to enforce all laws. Everyone, all the time, no exceptions.

Build the wall, no ifs, and or buts.

Staff Writer; Torrance T. Stephens

Can also purchase any of his books over at; Amazon – TTS Books.