Will the CBC Allow President Joe Biden, Democrats, and the Mainstream Media, thru “Improper Jobless Rates,” Take Black America Backwards?

Former President Trump, and his minions are not the only ones trampling on our Democracy. President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, and the CBC, with the help of the mainstream media are taking our Democracy for granted, as well. Facts do not lie. Republicans, “who support Mr. Trump deny facts.” But we Democrats are constantly saying we are better, than MAGA Republicans, in regard to factual evidence and the RULE of law. Here is something else to ponder, along with who is benefiting from this odious policy. As we watch our Job rates rise, and remain silent about Biden undercounting our Job rates, are Democrats really, much better, or different, from MAGA supporters? Denying Facts is Denying Facts, regardless of the PARTY. “Fix the Real Economy;” Mr. President; help American workers flourish.