How Do CBD Gummies Affect Your Brain?

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( If you have been hearing about the amazing benefits of the best CBD gummies but are unsure if they are right for you, you probably have questions about what kind of effect they may have on your brain and the way you interact with others. Just about any product derived from cannabis has stigma attached, regardless if it was derived from hemp or marijuana, or if it contains THC or simply CBD. Part of the problem is a lack of public education. Most people don’t even know that there is a difference between the two cannabis plants.

Keep reading to dispel some of the stigma surrounding CBD and understand the effects that this powerful supplement will have on your whole self, mind, body, and spirit.

CBD is Not THC

Most CBD is derived from the industrial hemp plant, which was legalized in the Farm Bill of 2018. Industrial hemp contains a maximum of 0.3 percent THC, which is not even close to enough for most people to feel any effects at all. Some CBD formulas have absolutely no THC in them at all, and these are known as CBD isolates.

It is important to note, however, that the formulas that do contain some THC will provide what is known as the “entourage effect.” This means that the combined power of all cannabinoids in the hemp plant is more powerful than the individual cannabinoids separately.

CBD is Not Intoxicating

CBD products have varying levels of THC, which will affect the way you feel when you take them, but any products derived from hemp will not have mind-altering effects. Full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD products have the greatest amount of THC in them, but they will never contain more than 0.3 percent.

CBD has no psychoactive effects whatsoever. Some people report that CBD makes them drowsy, but this does not happen for everyone. Even if it does make you drowsy, it will not produce any sort of “high” like you would experience with a larger dose of THC.

How CBD Works

The endocannabinoid system is a network of neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters within your brain and nervous system that communicates with every other system in your body. External cannabinoids like CBD support healthy functioning of the endocannabinoid system, creating balance and restoring homeostasis whenever there are changes in the environment or in your body.

How CBD Gummies Affect Your Brain

CBD gummies help keep everything in balance. They support healthy regulation of hormones which affect your emotions and your cognitive functioning, and they reduce inflammation, which is a game changer in your brain health. The neuroprotective properties of CBD products may help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, and they can help alleviate some symptoms related to Multiple Sclerosis.

Emotional Regulation

CBD gummies help balance your endocrine system, which is responsible for producing most of the hormones that affect your emotions. When we experience anxiety or depression as a result of a biological imbalance, then changing our circumstances will only provide temporary relief. CBD helps make the change permanent by improving the biological functions behind emotional regulation, but you still need to make good use of your coping skills in order to keep moving forward in your emotional growth.

CBD gives you the space you need in order to use those tools. Many people do not notice a big difference until they find themselves taking deep breaths instead of yelling, meditating instead of ruminating, and praying instead of reacting.

Cognitive Functioning

Cognition is connected to emotional regulation because of the damage and toxins that build up in the brain as a result of hormonal imbalances. Another huge factor in your ability to process information and make decisions, is the quality and amount of sleep you get. Sleeping time is healing time. This is when your brain repairs itself, discards toxins and dead cells, and files away the events of the day.

CBD products trigger your brain to retain more serotonin, which contributes to a sense of relaxation, stability, and calm. Taking CBD gummies a half hour before bed will help you get relaxed and settled in, falling asleep and staying asleep for clearer thinking tomorrow.

Reduced Inflammation

Almost all of us have general inflammation in our bodies, and this leads to damage in the nervous system. Scar tissue builds up in the brain and on the peripheral nerves, making communication within the nervous system more difficult, and increasing buildup of plaques and toxins that contribute to disorders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.

When you have a regular routine of CBD gummies, systemic inflammation gets reduced, helping your nervous system function more efficiently. You will have more energy and think more clearly, and you will have the space you need to make better decisions.

Final Thoughts

Though there is still a long way to go in reducing the stigma surrounding CBD, the industry is growing at an exponential rate. Everyday, people are giving CBD a try and singing its praises. It has no psychoactive effects, is legal, and it can help you get balanced and feel your best. When you take CBD products for your physical and mental health, you give yourself a boost of all natural support to work on being the you that you want to be.

Staff Writer; Larry Brown