The Double Standard Regarding White Women.

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( Black people are in a dog fight to simply stay alive. We don’t have time to make the argument about why we are human beings, and citizens, and should be treated as such…we just don’t want to get shot. We are not safe in our car, community, job, nor in the sanctuary of our own home. We understand that white men in this country can be a fight. No, not all…but too many white men see black people as a threat because we are not beneath them. Within our communities, and safe spaces, we understand what we are looking at when we see a white man. However, there are many grey areas and double standards regarding white women. There are black women that feel black men have aligned themselves with white women due to their dating preferences.

In this regard facts do not matter. There are black men that feel black women have aligned themselves with white women due to their stance regarding feminism. In this regard facts do not matter. The problem is simple both black men and black women have a double standard regarding white women while failing to see she is not an ally to any of us.

Brothers, every white woman that wants you doesn’t want you for love. Some of you are trophies, curiosity, wonderful sex partners, and someone she can get to fix her life as you will lead her to the strong women in your family that can teach them how to do what black women do…without the responsibility of being a black woman. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all…but it applies to too many. Unfortunately, some of our men learn this lesson the hard way. When she questions your integrity, and has less of it, you will feel that sucker punch that will have you questioning your judgement. However, never forget someone saw this coming…and if it was one of the black women in your family you defended her to them.

Sister, “Ain’t I A Woman” doesn’t belong to all women. Every white woman marching with you doesn’t recognize the sacredness of your woman hood. You are energy, strength, brains, a voice, and a power unparalleled so you can fight for “All” woman while reaping none od the benefits. In the meantime, she has no problem empowering you to question black men…. even those of us that don’t have horror stories.

They tell us we can ascend to higher heights and when we get there, we hug them in court rooms where they have stood trial for the murder of a black man. One of us hugged the murdered of our sister’s child. If a black male judge would have done that… just let that sink in. We allow women to stand with us that would kill our children and wreck our home. Women that have hijacked the words of our ancestors only to leave us out of the conversation of women.

The bottom line is black people need to stop protecting white women that mean us harm, and that may be more of them than we want to admit. We can’t love them, nor stand with them more than we do these things for each other. All she has to do is cry and one of us will sooth while the other pours on strength. This must stop if we are to ever make a stand for our humanity, and right to live. Neither side, black men nor black women, are innocent in this situation. We can stop pointing the fingers, because no one’s hands are clean. It’s time we look to each other for love, support, solidarity, and validation. Allow white women to stand on their own.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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