3 Ways to Help Your Business Get Exposure on Social Media.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In the world of social media, your business has the capability of reaching millions of people around the world if you are using it intentionally to gain exposure.  Posting one time on social media of your cute flyer, won’t be enough and not using hashtags on Instagram is the quickest way to have you closing your business for good.  Below are three ways to help your business gain more exposure on social media:

Become more visible to your target audience.  You need to go out in public and meet people.  This includes networking events, introducing yourself at the local coffee shops and grocery stores, letting people know about your business.  Go to the places that your target audience frequents.  For example, if you sell beauty products, you need to be in the beauty aisle at your local stores such as Target.  Don’t just stand there, start talking to people about your products, pass out your business cards, etc.

Use multiple sets of hashtags.  If you’re on Instagram, you know that hashtags rule this platform, so you need multiple sets of 5-30 hashtags to help your business gain exposure.  You don’t want to keep using the same hashtags because that’s not helping you gain new followers to eventually convert to paying customers.  Make sure that you are using a mixture of large and small hashtags and follow those hashtags that you use.

Show up consistently.  You have to show up on social media consistently on social media to keep people engaged with your content and to help you gain exposure.  Word of mouth is still the best way to gain new customers.  If you did a live demonstration on social media on how you do something in your business or how you make your products, your current followers will watch it and share it with their followers and networks, who keep the share button rolling.  Posting only once a month or just repeating quotes won’t grow your business awareness on social media.

If this is something you don’t personally have the time to do, then hire a social media manager or an intern.  But your business needs to be present on social media.  Print ad space is almost extinct, and resumes have become your social media profile.  If you own an online boutique, sell handmade jewelry or skin care products, you need to be on social media.  If you have a business that’s a side hustle, you need to be active on social media to help you gain exposure.  In order for your business to grow via social media, you have to put in the work and put it out there every chance you get.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

One may also connect with this sister online over at; FTSimpson.com.