The Academic Journey Needs Support.

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( Often times we are completely astounded by children that defy the odds to make stella grades. Many parents have gone to the best lengths to make sure the children have school supplies, clothes, and everything they need to prepare for the new school year. There are conversations about the importance of education, staying focused, and proper behavior that take place every year. Many parents believe their children are smart, and when they apply themselves they can achieve great success academically.

We pray that our kids are sitting in classrooms with teachers that care about their academic journey and will push them to be the best student they can be. However, once the year gets underway sometimes the parent can forget the most important component of their child’s success is a strong support system. Furthermore, the person at the helm of that system is indeed the parents. Teachers cannot help the students reach their best potential without parental involvement.

Life is hectic nonstop. Parents are always faced with something else to overcome as they try to build a life for themselves and their children. Many parents are working multiple jobs to make sure their children get what is needed. Sometimes parents are also overwhelmed having to deal with family and other issues. However, it is important to remember that children need more than a lecture that education is important. Though we expect our children to be honest we have to remember they are children and stay on top of what is going on with them. It is important that we know if they did their homework, what subjects they are struggling and excelling in, and how they are acclimating to the classroom setting they are in. It is important to stay in communication with your children’s teachers.

It is not productive for the child to only talk to teachers when they call you because your child is experiencing a difficulty. You don’t have to wait until parent teacher conference to get to know your child’s teacher. Fostering this relationship will help give your child the academic support team that they need while sending them a message that you are just as engaged in their academic progress as their teachers.

It is important to know if your child is being bullied, feels uncomfortable or is really adjusting well to their new grade and classes. We cannot depend solely on administrators to know the state of our children. Regardless of work schedule your child needs to know you will show up at school at any given time, and the teachers need to be aware of this also.  Sometimes parents need to have a look in the backpacks of their children as this could help you understand if your child needs help organizing school materials.

Teachers change, for the most part, every school year. The constant in your child’s academic support system is you, the parent. Just as you would cheer your child on as they participate in their favorite extra-curricular activity they also need an academic cheerleader and coach.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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