Alabama Has Spoken.

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( The nation held its breathe as it waited to see if Alabama would allow the morally corrupt Roy Moore to be elected to The United States Senate. On election day, in a very close race, Alabama elected Doug Jones instead of Moore. In this moment Alabama showed the country maybe there was a reason to retain hope. Maybe, Republicans can be beaten when they show the people the corruption of their very being. Black people in Alabama did not disappoint as they overwhelmingly voted against Roy Moore.

Though they are not even 50% of the Alabama population, their votes mattered in a race that came uncomfortably down to the wire. Roy Moore had the audacity to feel that God would not allow him to lose. It didn’t matter if he engaged in sexual misconduct with minors, nor that he felt America was best when this country was in era of slavery. Maybe he felt he could, and should, win because the president that supported him was elected regardless of his criminal behavior.

Alabama decided to break with its 25yr long courtship with the Republican ballot, and choose their children. Many mad their jokes considering Alabama as backwards, and tolerant of certain kinds of sexual misconduct, but they answered with their vote. Roy Moore refuses to concede his lose, and uses a false idea of religion to justify his behavior. I guess he missed the area of the constitution that speaks about the separation of church and state. Furthermore, many could ask themselves what Christianity he believes in because his immoral behavior does not line up to what he claims to believe in.

It was astonishing to listen to Trump supporters defend Roy Moore as hey supported him. Moore continues to use strong religious rhetoric not realizing he has been defeated. “We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization and our religion and to set free a suffering humanity,” Moore said. “Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty. Abortion, sodomy and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Alabama decided they would not let a hypocrite use religion to scare, nor con, them into giving him power he doesn’t deserve. They wouldn’t allow Trump to influence them by basically letting them now there is no room for more liberals in Washington. Politics was more important than human decency, and the people decided they would fight the push to have leadership in place that is devoid of humanity. Alabama still has a fight on its hands going forward as they know half of their state, of those that voted, support the evil that is Roy Moore. A battle was won in Alabama, but this country is at war for humanity, and the rights of its people to live. Doug Jones will have eyes on him, and his every move will be scrutinized by Republicans. Roy Moore needs to accept his defeat, and retreat to a quiet life. However, that would be too much like right.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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