You Know You Sweat.

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( There is no point in demonizing natural bodily functions. Sweating is a natural function of the body, and we need it for so many reasons. Sweating doesn’t just cool the body when we become overheated, but it is a natural way for the body to release toxins and excess fluid. When its hot out, we are engaged in rapid movement or we are working out sweating is to be expected. If there is no sweat when working out we know we haven’t worked efficient enough, or we need to make a doctor’s appointment.

Some people sweat in normal activity, but there are those of us that sweat profusely. When you know you sweat in abundance for no reason at all you must be considerate in the gym. It is unfortunate, and offensive, when one has a difficulty working out as a result of abundant sweat. How you handle your hygiene coming into the gym is just as important as going to work. Granted one does get smelly during an intense workout, but there must still be care to one’s physical state.

There are some things you should consider if you find that you sweat more than average. It would be helpful to bring a towel so that you aren’t blinding yourself with sweat, nor spraying others. When you are doing certain exercises that require a lot of movement it is not cool to fling sweat everywhere. Please use a towel, and be conscious of this for the sake of others. We all go to the gym to work up a sweat…not deal in the sweat of others.

If you are the kind that is considerate enough to bring a towel please understand you will still need to while down the machine you’ve sweated on. Its absolutely gross when someone has waited for a machine and they watch a super sweaty person wipe sweat with a sweaty towel. There are usually stations in the gym with paper towels and disinfectant spray by which you can wipe down the machines properly. This is proper gym courtesy, and its sanitary.

Lastly, showering after a workout is only natural, but some of us need to do so before the workout. This goes back to sweating above average. There is no reason to come into the gym smelling offensive. You can’t blame the workout for that stench…and others have to deal with the fact that someone choose not to put on deodorant. This may seem trivial, but understand gyms don’t acquire a certain smell just because of workout sweat…no it also has the smell because some feel its okay to come to the gym smelly.

Sweating is a good thing for the body. However, if you know you sweat bad please be considerate of other, and of yourself. I’d like to think it is embarrassing to deal with unpleasant odors, and pouring sweat. In the gym, no one judges the sweat so long as they don’t have to wear it, nor workout in it. As for the odor…keeping up with one’s hygiene can handle that for you. All we ask is you consider others as you sweat.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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