High Heels in the Gym: No.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Heels are beautiful, and can make the legs look longer. They make the calves pop, and walking in them for a period of time is definitely a workout. There seems to be a bit of a trend starting that promotes workouts in heels. Granted a doctor would tell us working out in heels is dangerous and can cause long-term negative effects on a woman’s body. However, we don’t have to seek the advice of a doctor to point out some simple problems with workouts in heels. Even women that have impeccable balance walking in these beautiful shoes would be taking a very huge risk when the shoes are worn to workout.

Not to sound arrogant in any way, but we must employ common sense when things become a bit of a trend. Yes, some new workouts are worth trying, but if it can clearly put one in danger its okay to remove that from the willing to try list. There are so many ways to develop one’s endurance, calf and ankle muscles that is safer for the body. When injured you are either limited in your workout, or you can’t do it at all. What is for certain is the injury will cause you to put pressure on other parts of your body, and you may face a setback or loss of gains. Working out in heels will not cause one to walk better in them.

Walking properly in heels is not a matter of athletic ability, but working out in them is a hazard to an athlete. If one wears heels regularly, and for long lengths of time, they may run the risk of shortening their achilles tendon or their calf muscle. It causes both muscles to tighten simply as a result of the way one’s foot sits in the shoe. Furthermore, you are balancing your weight on a narrow heel. When working out, should you make one wrong step that can spell a nasty injury for your ankles, foot, knee or even upper body depending on how you fall. The pain that can be caused is not worth the risk.

Athletic shoes are still the best option for working out. They give your feet and ankles the best support, and they are a better choice for balance. In heels ones is balanced on the balls of the feet, and this give you absolutely no support. The position of your feel causes your body to lean forward; this will hinder balance as you are more likely to tip over.

Working out is tiring. So, the longer you are working out the more prone you are to injury in heels. The workout in heels maybe marketed as fun, and good for your calves. Please do some calf raises in appropriate workout shoes. Heels have a place in many settings, but the gym is not one of them. For every argument that can be made for working out in heels…more can be made cautioning you to stay away from said workout. You can’t wear your heels if your ankle is broken so leave them at home while you work out.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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