5 Ways to Give Off More Positive Energy.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Rapper 2 Chainz said it best “It’s a vibe”, and your vibe truly determines your tribe. Birds of the same feather flocking together has a lot to do with the energy of their intentions. Our energy determines our intention. You can tell when someone with a positive vibe enters the room, they do not simply receive looks and stares but rather they receive respect and warm invites.

Most of us dread being around people who complain and give off negative energy all the time. The people who clash with someone everywhere they go, whether it is to the grocery store, work, gas station, movies, etc., they always end up arguing or disagreeing with someone. When you are in that state of mind, everyone becomes an energy and most of the time it is as if they are waiting for someone to do something so they can explode. This is what comes to mind when I think of misery loving company. Misery does not necessarily invite you over for drinks just to pour their sad stories out on you. No! Misery attacks you when your guards are down. If you are not careful you will end up in an argument with negative energy and continue transferring the negativity throughout the day.

That is the easy part. I choose to replace the word “evil” with negative to say, there are a lot of negative people moving around the planet. We can truly use more positive energy in our day to day life and here are a few ways you can help bring more positive energy into your life as well as the life of others.

·         Compliment Others. Do not withhold the compliments. At times, what seems to be a simple compliment to you, may be a word of encouragement for another. Let those around know that you appreciate and admire them often. By including this into your daily practice, you will find that you fill each room you enter with positive energy and that you are unforgettable as a result.

·         Focus your Energy. Energy goes where attention flows. If you desire to give off better energy, you must first feel your inner-self with positive thoughts, words and emotions. Stress drains us of our energy and often sucks the life out of us. By focusing your thoughts, you keep your mind centered on the goal rather than the problem. Focused energy always moves in the direction of the solution, stressed energy stays fixated on the problem and thereby create more of them.

·         Create or Memorize Powerful Affirmations. Prepare yourself for things to go wrong, that is a part of life. Rather than waiting until ish hits the fan, create or memorize a few affirmations that help to remind you of who you are and what you are doing. Affirmations serve to re-center our energy so we can shift back into focusing on the solution and getting things done.

·         Seek the Positive in Others. When you converse or work with others, look for the best in them. When we focus on something that a person does exceptionally well, it makes them feel great, in addition to basking in the friendly, positive vibes you give off. When we remind others of their positive traits, they naturally desire to be in your presence more because they feel you awaken something positive within them

·         Take Care of Yourself. Take time out of every day to nurture and pamper yourself. When we take the time to relax, we allow our minds and body to repair which gives us an edge when tackling life’s challenges. Enjoy a long shower or bath, start meditating, add inspiring music to your playlist, write yourself a love letter.

What is your vibe? How do people remember you when you leave? Do you leave an impression upon others? Are people coming forth to be closer to you or more further away from you? Do you attract more people who anger you or those that make you smile? It is all in the vibe and thankfully our vibe is always capable of improving.

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff

333rd Eye Healing Temple

Reconnecting Consciousness to Magick

Official Websitehttp://www.333rdeyehealing.com

