Shaving: You’re Doing It Wrong!

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(ThyBlackMan.comLike most men out there, you probably believe that you know everything there is to know about shaving. After all, it’s only getting the hair off of your face, right? Although this is just one simple part of a man’s grooming routine, men all over the world are continuing to make little slip-ups when it comes to shaving. I only found out that I was one of them recently! Here, we’ll go over some of the things you might be doing wrong when shaving.

First of all, failing to shave before you shave. No, that isn’t a typo. If you’re only giving your face the once-over, and trying to cultivate some decent facial hair, then you may be doing it all wrong. A lot of guys these days are proudly sporting a big, bushy beard, but grooming it just with a manual razor. This will work, after some time. However, if this is the technique you’re using, you’re really not making things easy for yourself! Before you start anything with a manual, buzz your beard with an electric razor, getting it down to a five o’clock shadow. After this, getting the rest of it off with a manual razor will be so much easier, with minimal tug and pull.2016blackmanshaving

Another common shaving mistake is not opening your pores. In case you haven’t noticed, razors are sharp. Evolution has a long way to go before we adapt to scraping blades over our skin, so we should all be doing a little prep-work to get the best results. The next time you’re going to shave, take a clean hand towel and soak it in hot (not warm) water. Drape it over your face, and let it sit there for about two minutes. It may not sound like much, but this simple treatment does a lot to open your pores, softening the hair on your face and making your shaving experience so much more comfortable. Yes, you can get the same results by simply washing your face with hot water. However, that’s nowhere near a soothing!

Finally, you may be using the wrong kind of razor. Like many guys, you might have glanced over some of the big brands in your local pharmacy and wondered “why are razor blades so expensive?” Fearing that you may be ripped off, you shot for a particularly low-end brand, and you’ve been dealing with a horrible shaving experience ever since. If this sounds familiar, then go out and get something better! Modern-day razors are designed specifically to be idiot-proof. Nobody wants repeat customers who cut themselves over and over. sure, you might prefer the weight and balance of a more old-fashioned razor, or lightweight, plastic models. Whatever you do, don’t go too cheap. Today’s razors are made with comfort and safety in mind, so let them do their job!

There you have just three of the ways that you may have been shaving incorrectly. Get out of bad habits like this, and you’ll have a much more comfortable shaving experience.

Staff Writer; John Scott