Bernie Sanders We Need Another One In 2020.

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( I recently wrote an article explaining why Hillary Clinton is the only logical choice for the presidency in light of the fact that Bernie Sanders did not win the democratic nomination. Donald Trump, who seemingly can’t even hold together a respectable presidential campaign a few weeks in following the convention is hardly suited for the job. That being said, the revolution that Bernie Sanders quickly became the face for should not end in 2016. The values and ideas he represented and raised awareness for are fundamentally needed.

The issues and corruption he spoke of will not end with the election of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Hillary may be the only reasonable choice for president in the fall, but regardless of the outcome, neither her, or Donald Trump will change anything in BernieSanders2020regards to the corruption that has left behind the single most important group in US politics: The American people (not the wealthy donors).

The corruption and gutting of government policies over the decades
leading up to the Great Recession in 2008 have largely remained unchanged since. The same issues that led to 2008 will undoubtedly lead to another financial disaster in the years to come. Banks that were bailed out have not become smaller, rather they have become larger. Corporations continue to rule the US political system, along with wealthy individuals that donate to political campaigns and super PACS. Wall Street does not give one ounce of thought to the wide reaching ramifications of the decisions they make. A financial disaster may make the wealthiest even wealthier, but it will put millions of hard working Americans out into the streets.

The political corruption that has allowed Wall Street to grow out of control has also gutted any faith the American people have in politics. This lack of faith has created mass voter apathy. Why vote when everyone knows that a ballot doesn’t really decide the election when money and power do. This lack of faith has also created incredible anger in a population that has been left behind by politicians. This very anger has allowed Donald Trump, a man that has no business being in politics, to rise to incredible heights.

Sadly, although the anger may be well deserved in many regards, but these people have blindly put their faith in a man that will do more harm than good. Hitler rose to power at a time of anger; Anger towards the west following onerous reparation payments, and anti-Jewish sentiments that were previously present quickly ballooned into one of the darkest times in modern history. In many ways, Trump isn’t much different: he has spoken of banning Muslims for a certain period of time, not on the basis of actual facts, but widespread paranoia that has no foundation in facts whatsoever.

The US political system is nothing more than a farce in many ways. It’s no longer serves the needs of the average American, rather it serves to make the wealthy even wealthier. The anger towards it is certainly justified and a solution is desperately needed. That being said, that change will not come in 2016. Nor will it come in the next four years. The one candidate that could have made that change a reality did not win the democratic nomination. Regardless of the fact that Bernie Sanders could have easily overcome Donald Trump in a general election, even more so than Hillary Clinton, the powers that be decided to sideline him. The media certainly did not help him in any respects either.

Many say that one has to be principled and keep fighting for the change that Bernie Sanders desperately wanted to bring to the American people. It’s understandable, but in the face of a monster such as Donald Trump, the single most important and logical thing may be to fight for Hillary Clinton. She’s far from perfect, but she’s more level headed than Donald Trump will ever be. Donald Trump can’t even hold together his presidential campaign just weeks after the convention. It’s disaster after disaster with him (which is certainly great news for Hillary) and he’s even suggested the use of nuclear weapons. He has proven himself time and time again to be nothing more than a buffoon whose only skill is in manipulating uninformed voters.

Change must come to the United States and that change can certainly come in the next presidential election. The corruption that exists will create another financial disaster at some point and with the current state of affairs, that disaster will likely result in no criminal records for those at the helm of Wall Street. The anger that has built over many years will not recede without drastic changes. That anger should work to elect a candidate in 2020 that will bring fundamental changes to the US political system that will truly make America great again.

Until 2020, that change will likely have to wait, as much as that will anger those who want change NOW. It’s nice to be principled, but it’s unlikely any change maker that will benefit the majority of the American people has any chance of being elected president in 2016. As painful as it is, that ship has long since sailed. Now it’s time to ensure there is a system left to change in 2020 by keeping the dangerous Donald Trump out of the White House.

Written by Cole Kruper

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