Decoy Women: Brothers Watch Out.

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( Once upon a time women were the ones who had to be very careful and concerned about safety, stalkers and psychos when dating. But that has changed drastically in the America of today. Decoy women are females who use their looks, sex or pretended interest in a man in order to set him up to get robbed, tricked and sometimes even killed. This is happening more than ever all over this country through dating sites, across the internet and even in what we think are casual chance meetings.

So here is what is known as the MO or the method of operation these decoy women are using. She meets you online or in a congenial setting in what appears to be a chance meeting and she appears to be very interested in you. The two of you go out on a date or two or 2017-BLACKS-couple-flirting-sexeven back to your place. You know very little about her and she keeps it that way, all the while she is asking you about yourself and gathering key information. The next meeting is not so nice. It is where she sends people to burglarize your home or rob you at gun point. In other cases, she spends the night with you, only for you to wake up and find your wallet and valuables gone just as she is.

You don’t hear about these incidents much because statistically far too many men are too embarrassed to even report the crime. But they are happening every week to African American men all over this country. Remember her intent is to distract you by getting you to focus on her while overlooking your safety and failing to use common sense. She will do this by massaging your ego and she will likely be willing to move quickly towards intimacy.

Guys we know everything that glitters is not gold, everything that looks good is not necessarily good for you and you cannot judge a book by its cover. But these decoy women are repeatedly targeting and preying on insecure men, unsuspecting brothers, sincere males and others who can be caught off guard. Poison, poison? Never trust a big butt and a smile. Maybe truer words were never spoken. These decoy women may smile, look nice and show interest in you but they are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are ruthless, ambivalent, trifling, treacherous, materialistic and about what they can get by tricking and manipulating you. They are often not working alone.

I could tell you of so many cases where decoy women were used to trick unsuspecting men, incidents where the men ended up robbed and/or dead at the hands of the decoy woman’s male friends after the home invasion. Cases where the unsuspecting man took the decoy home and had no idea she scoped out his alarm system and pass code because she was hugging him from behind while he entered the code. Cases where the man came home from a date after dropping the woman off at a generic location only to find his house empty and her throw away phone disconnected when he tried to call her. Even cases of where the man requested an “out call” massage or female companion, only to get robbed at that time or burglarized later.

The solution? Don’t be so quick to take a woman to your house. If she is gaining information about you like where you work and live, you should be gathering the same information about here. Do not brag about what you have or how much money you make in an effort to impress her. Do not pick her up or drop her off in a generic place. If she does not want you to pick her up at home, meet her at a third party location for the date. At the end of the date she get’s in her car and you get in yours. Trust has to always contain balance. If you cannot go to her home, she should not be allowed to come to yours. Fair is fair and you have to be concerned about your safety just as much as she does. Many women (some legitimately) will say they don’t just bring guys home because they have kids and that may be true. But on the other hand, it may be an excuse for her to gain access to your home while you never gain access to hers.

We men tend to think we are safe on a date because “we are men“. But how safe would you be if three armed men busted into your home while you were in bed with the decoy woman? No man is prepared for any and every thing all the time so don’t let your ego get in the way of smart decisions and good judgment.

Gentlemen you are going to have to think above the waste. Decoys are usually shapely, sexy and attractive. They know the words to say to stroke your ego. They know how to throw your hormones off balance. And for many of you, that may mean the decoy does not even have to be very attractive. Keep everything fair and balanced. Do your research on the woman using the internet and other lawful resources because you can best believe she is doing hers on you. And with so many guys trying to impress women with material things, African American men are presenting a buffet of suckers ripe to be targeted by decoy women. Just as the woman keeps some mystery about herself, you should do the same. Be safe.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw