Single Black Mother Epidemic In America – My Thoughts.

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( Whenever I go out in public, often times I see too many black kids being raised by single black mothers and that’s a huge problem in our community.

Buck Dancing Feminist and Gay “activists” often say that “all black kids are better OFF without the father in the home” and I don’t agree with that negative propagandic caucasoid media type statement at all. And as I know, strong healhy black families are a threat to this corrupt, racist system.

I remember my grandma telling me many years ago that when I was born, my mother had abandoned me and my 3 other siblings that were born in the 80s, so we were raised by my grandma and she taught us how to be great people, being strong, and also how to be Great Black Men and when I was 10, my mother moved in with us on Jackson St. and we held no resentment towards her for what she did as she was trying to find her own place in the world for those years.singleMom-2016

Much of the single black mother epidemic that’s happened in our community was caused by “The War On Drugs” and mass incarceration that has systemically destroyed so many black families and removed so many black men from the home by convicting them with all-caucasoid juries which is another egregious form of injustice that saves the harshes punishments for black men while caucasoid men that committ the same crimes often get off.

Last year, Kenya Moore said one of the worst things that I’ve ever heard a black woman say in my life. Her comment speaks volumes because it plays into this negative racial stereotype of “black men ain’t shit” mentality that extreme feminists like to force down the minds of black women and I don’t like that at all.

Here’s what Kenya Moore said on a post she made of social media:

Kenya Moore: For Black women, we just have to be open because there’s not a lot of eligible bachelors, that are Black, for us to choose from anymore. If you take away the ones that are gay, in jail, this is a real issue. Statistics show why we don’t have the choices. You take the ones that are gay, in jail, don’t have a job, the ones that are already married and the ones that are dating and marrying outside our race, what do you have left? You don’t have much to choose from. The nicest thing is that you have options.”

When a black woman like a Kenya Moore brings up the issue and not bring up the cause of it, then she misses out on the whole picture. And to generalize all black men as gay, swirling, or demasulized without thinking about the consequences of what she said, it really disgusts me because she’s perpectuating negative stereotypes of black men the media loves to portray.

Currently, 73% of black kids are growing up in single parent households.

Some single black parents are demeaning, debasing, and harming their kids, particularly their sons.

A lot of this stems from the social engineering and systemic agendas that are happening in our community from “The War On Drugs” to mass incarceration.

Feminism in general is also part of the social engineering program The Establishment used as a weapon to also destabilize black families and it has been successful.

I personally don’t think that we would want a community where every black child in America has to grow up thinking that it’s “normal” to be raised in a single parent household because it’s unhealthy to our kids.

The Conclusion – Two strong black parents equals strong healthy black families that will provide love, support, and teaching their kids about the value of strong black feminity and masculinity as well as black love.

Staff Writer; Joe Davis

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