Think About it Now: Vote with Knowledge.

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( In November 2016 the Unites States will embark upon another voting season.  A time, whereby the citizens of this country come together to decide on the representation that will best lead America into her next phase.  The right to vote and the expectation of that vote has been a discussion since its inception.  Voting is a mark of citizenship in this country which is why many were willing fight, and even die, for this right.  The fight for the right to vote among African Americans has become a blueprint for battling oppression in this country and worldwide. 

For the last two terms the President of the United States of America has not been a white male.  This has cause the best and worst to come out of Americans, and the manner by which they receive each other.  It is obvious that racism is not remedied through education, but in the hearts of the people.  Many vote out of obligation, spite, or because of the progress they believe it can produce. Exercising ones rights is commendable however we must educate ourselves about voting, and the process by which one can win an election, in order to properly set our expectation. 

This can be done by researching not only the candidates, and their vote-2015-voteagenda, but the position they are seeking.  Knowing what the Electoral College is can help citizens better understand exactly how much power truly rests with the Popular Vote.  Information strengthens what citizens are willing to petition about where change is concerned.  It would be to the benefit of Americans to better understand our government and its powers.  Presidential elections are important; however some would argue that Americans should pay more attention to Congressional elections.  Congress makes laws that affect us every day, though the President have veto powers Congress can override such through the Senate. This is just one example of understanding the power of the branches of government.

Presidential elections bring about the discussion of the Electoral College, a group that officially elects the President and Vice President, because at least three Presidents including G.W. Bush in 2000 did not receive the popular vote.  Though this occurrence has been rare it’s something voters must know can take place.  Voting is the right of every American citizen.  This right is but a step, though important, in becoming involved in the process that governs our day to day lives.  Regardless for one’s own personal reason for voting, educate yourself.  Know what you and your community are in need of from a public official.  Hold public officials that you trust with your vote accountable to the platform that was promised. However, with this also educate yourself on the very process of elections so they one can have a realist expectation; and with that we can determine where the law needs to be changed in regards to voting. 

If ever you can’t sleep at night, and have cable, turn on C-Span.  Yes, I know it may sound boring however one often sees Congress in session.  It is informative, but most importantly a citizen can see if their elected official is fighting for them.  Protect your vote.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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