Every American Is A Drug Addict “Yes Including You”.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Americans love McMansions, big screens, luxury vehicles, greasy food, and violent entertainment. However, what US citizens love most are drugs! Fortunately for them, there are numerous legal drugs available 24 hours a day. Americans’ drug addiction is openly visible at every stage of life, from infants to the elderly. Americans have an unending list of available drugs that remedy everything from erectile dysfunctions to stomachaches. America is one of the few countries in the world which allows advertisement of pharmaceutical drugs which are proven to be addictive and harmful.

I am unaware of the criteria or process that the American governmental agencies use to legalize or criminalize a particular substance, though it seems very confusing.  Two of the three most abused drugs by Americans are alcohol and cigarettes, which are both legal.

Cigarettes comes packaged with a warning from the Surgeon General “Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.” Despite the concern for their customers’ health, executives at big tobacco, make huge profits from the billions of cigarettes smoked each year. Buildings, schools, trains, buses, airplanes, arenas, department stores, super markets, restaurants, movie theatres, mosques, synagogues, and churches are covered with signs asking people to refrain from lighting a cigarette. While cigarettes rank third, alcohol is the second most glamorized legal narcotic.2015-drug-addiction-help

Yes, alcohol is a drug. Humans have struggled with evils of drunkenness throughout their history. It was illegal in America from 1919 to 1933 (Prohibition) for various reasons. It was made legal for the financial profit of a few at the expense of turmoil endured by large segments of the population who succumb to the grasp of the bottle. Despite the fact that the state no longer classifies it as an illicit substance, alcohol still encompasses all the characteristics of other narcotics that are still illegal or highly restricted in America. Alcohol is a science project, like other illegal substances. Alcohol is a mind-altering substance that releases endorphins in the brain, making it extremely pleasurable. Alcohol or ‘liquid fire’ as Rastafarians term it, is extremely addictive, destroying the lives of millions of Americans from direct and indirect exposure. Some doctors argue alcohol destroys brain cells and liver. Despite these negative characteristics, wide availability allows any American over 21 to purchase an unlimited amount of alcohol at any moment. Even churches the “house of god” distributes alcohol once a month, free of charge, during communion services.

America has rehabilitation centers for alcohol as it does its other illegal narcotics, such as cocaine, psychotherapeutics, hallucinogens and heroin. However, the number one drug Americans are addicted to is without rehabilitation centers. Citizens are able to purchase it everywhere, freely using it in the open due to its legal status. This legal drug’s addictiveness trumps the strength of cocaine, causing more bodily harm then all legal and illegal narcotics combined, slowly destroying its user. This substance is given to the suckling babe and dependent senior. This substance is; SUGAR (High Fructose Corn Syrup).

As a recovering addict who has experienced numerous relapses: I can tell you this s#i* is hard to kick.

Sugar is addictive and Americans are hooked, full blown junkies. Sugar disrupts the proper function of the liver and brain, contributing to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and high-cholesterol. The high fructose syrup that, companies are producing, is the sugar form of “crack cocaine.” It is cheap to make, highly addictive, and extremely profitable.

Sugar has control over many people, much like other narcotics. Their happiness depends on having a hit of ice cream or chocolate chip cookies (my personal favorite). People are unable to avoid that soft, sweet voice from the kitchen or supermarket aisle. Sugar comforts you when you’re sad, celebrates with you when you’re glad. Sugar is the first thing you have in the morning and the last thing you have at night. Sugar keeps your kids calm. Sugar is in our juice, soda, bread, chips, dip, sauces, creams, and everything in between. If you think I am talking foolishness, please give it a try. Go without sugar for forty-eight hours, and hopefully you don’t end up on 48Hours.

Staff Writer; Linton Hinds Jr.

Official website; http://Livity.info/