Message to the Young Black Males.

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( The last time I wrote an article I spoke on what it meant to be a young black man living in America. I touched on how our past fore fathers would currently view us and the genocide that is occurring amongst African-American males in today’s society. At that time I was a 17 year old boy trying to figure out his identity in life. Now almost a year later I can say that I found this identity and along with that I will be attending my dream college Howard University in the fall. I know now that I was created to stand up for the rights of my people and I am ready to embark on a new chapter in my life that will lead one step closer to be the man God destined me to be.

However, before I embark I have a message I want to give to my fellow young black males that are being raised in America.
The first thing I want to say is that it is time to stand up. The genocide that I previously spoke of is still very alive. As we can see in the past year, police brutality is at its highest and if you don’t stand up right now and at this very second, you won’t be hearing about another black male who is a victim of police brutality; you will be getting a firsthand experience of it. I hate to put fear into our youth but this is the society that we live in.  So I say now to stand up, and by stand up I don’t just mean protest in the streets; I mean excel in your academic environments, get the highest grades as possible, and get involved in your community. It’s time that you find that cause in your community that you are passionate about and attack it. Supporting young black males doesn’t have to be the cause you put all your energy into. It can be volunteering at hospitals or creating programs that develops reading skills for inner city youth. Everyone has a cause that they are passionate about, find that passion and become the youth that God has destined you to be.
With this being said I ask you all a very important question. Who are you? I’m telling you now that we need more politicians in our community. If the government refuses to hear our voices it is time that we take par voices to the government. By this I mean we become the government. We become the District Attorney’s, Police Chiefs, Mayors, School Board members, and Councilman. That is why it is also very important that we go out and vote. But just because a politician doesn’t share your skin color doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t share your views. If you want to see different things happening in your community than you must allow different people to run your community. Remember that we can never stop injustice from happening, but the right people we can always allow our voices to be heard. 
But unfortunately we cannot depend on politics to fix all of the problems that occur in our community. We cannot depend on politics to stop the alarming rate of gang violence in America. We cannot depend on politics to stop the overflowing of drugs in America and get our drug addicts off the street. It has even come to the point where we cannot depend on politics to fix the economic depression that is occurring within our cities. Eventually we as a community must stand up and fight for our cities. We must stop our youth from getting introduced to the Juvenile System before being introduced to his mentor. If we see a young one that is growing without a positive male role model in his life then we must step in to be that role model. It’s obvious that Capitol Hill doesn’t care about inner city communities so it’s up to us to make sure that our next generation can survive through the struggles that America will put them through. It may seem like a tough task but at the end of them our battle is a battle that we shall never lose, for we are on the side of the God all mighty.
So I ask you again, who are you going to be? Are you going to be that doctor that will come back and make sure low income people are getting equal benefits and treatment that other people are. Are you going to be that Financial Advisor that creates more money for your community by opening up more jobs and not sucking the blood out of the black community? Will you be that Scientist that introduces inner city youth to a world of non-stop knowledge? The options are limited and the choice is up to you on who you will be. Will you sleep or will you preach?
I’m telling you now that it all begins with education. Graduating from high school is a must now, the option lies on where you will continue your education. All over the country there are campuses that are empty of the culture that you have within you. But if you are someone who is still questioning who you really are and what role do you play in this world? Then I recommend you come to a HBCU (Historically Black College or Universities) Known for their enriching empowerment on year at an HBCU will teach more than a public school taught you about yourself in 12 years. In these past few months I have took the time to connect with my future classmates that will be Howard University Class of 2019. I have to say that these are the most brilliant and most inspiring group of students I have ever met.
Our class consists of Valedictorians, Bill Gates Millennium Scholars, Social Activist, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Music Artist and much more. Soon the whole country will see the tools that my classmates possess and how they will use them to change communities around the country. It is my honor to be apart such an inspiring class.  THz same potential that I see in my classes is the same potential that I see in many incoming classes at HBCU’s such as Spelman, Morehouse, and Florida A&M University. How will you follow in the footsteps of the incoming class of 2019? What campus will you leave your mark on? Where is God calling you to be?
It is very cliché to speak of but it’s time we change how we view our African-American women. I look around and I see a lack of respect for who our women are and the sacrifices they have made throughout history. Perhaps because our schools don’t educate us on them enough, out the media is slandering them in every way possible. Whatever the problem, we must be the ones that will stand up for our women and not allow them to be degraded by others or even by the media. It’s time that we protect our women like the have protected us in the past centuries. Love them like they have loved us. For years black women have had to be the mother and the father to many young black males, it’s time that we return the favor and tell them thank you; for without them we would not be here right now. They are the carriers of our future princesses and princes; it’s time that starts treating them as such.
My brothers, this is our time. This is the dream that Dr. King had for us and the vision that Malcolm X envision for us. It is our turn to take our place in history and determine how we will be remembered when our grandchildren learn about us. We must take stand against the violence facing African-Americans right now and say that enough is enough. We will not sit back and allow every single police officer to say that the black male they killed was one hundred percent responsible for his death. We will not sit back and allow our African-American women to be murdered in jail cells and no explanation be made for it. It has come to the point that our place of worship is now a place where fear is in the room. How long will we allow the media to speak for us? When will you take a stand against injustice? This is your story. How many youth will you inspire? How many elders will you make proud? How many barriers will you break? How many statistics will you make a lie? The reason why I wrote my previous article “What Does it Mean to be a Young Black Male Living in America?” was because I wanted to challenge you all into seeing who you really were and not what the public school system said you were. When you look into the mirror what do you see?
Do you see a gang banger, problem child, and misguided, at-risk, immoral, impoverished, uneducated, drop out black male? Or do you see a spontaneous, intelligent, barrier breaking, notorious, young black king. When you look at yourself for who you truly are, only then will become a king. So I say to you to never allow anybody to tell you that you are not capable of being great. In your path to manhood I pray that God will always be the one to lead the direction for you. I wish the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Staff Writer; Brandon Watts