Steve Harvey: From Kings of Comedy to King of the Coons?.

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( Just when you thought Tyler Perry’s King of Coons crown was safe, here comes Steve Harvey to plant his soup coolers on Racist Paula Dean’s ass!

Steve Harvey is on his way to COONSVILLE; and thumbing his nose at black folks along the way. Every time you black folks support these brothers, they turn around and say ‘f*ck You!’ Obama went into the White House shooting basketball and will leave playing golf. That’s how Negroes act when they sell you out.

White folks “ain’t” on television talking about getting Paula Dean to mentormalcolm-on-steve-2014 their boys. She’s not a roll model to white people but you Negroes will eat, drink, and take anything they shovel. Steve Harvey went from N*gg*r to black to African- American to Negro to coon; all within 3 years.

Black boys need black men mentors. So I guess Ice Cube or Chris Rock weren’t available? White folks didn’t even want Paula Dean to be the face on their slaughter houses. Yet we continue to pick up their white trash. What’s in her back ground to make her qualified to teach/mentor black boys? When did endorsing swine and high blood pressure become cool?

 It’s been all Negroes so far hollering about forgiving Paula Dean- not (most) white folks! Is Paula dean out in the streets demanding the police stop shooting down our black boys? No. But neither is Steve Harvey or Obama. 

Steve Harvey also realizes that his actions may receive criticism from bloggers, so he has asked them to also write that I don’t give a damn.” Well, NEGRO you aint the black Oprah and if black folks had any sense they’d show you that. Usually, black folks who do things of this nature-owe people big time. And the powers that be are making him pay. You see, no ones above the casting couch. After all that trash talking…all that half ass advice…all that playing bigshot… King Steve Harvey the great, bent his behind right on over that casting couch, didn’t he! OUCH!

Staff Writer; Xavier James
One may also purchased this brother “Newly” released book over at Amazon; (——