The Religion of Power.

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( This is an introduction to a new age religion developed by writer King Nazir Muhammad for Black people in America. This religion is an accumulation of all religious philosophies based around the color ” Black “. You will find that the color black is the main color in every theme throughout this religious philosophy. But it is used not as a means to advocate ” Race ” but for a greater spiritual purpose. If you study color psychology the color Black represents ” Power ” and Muhammad believes the color itself has mystical qualities, and among those qualities is the power to create wealth.

In this religion everything Black is worshiped , and devaluing the color is strictly forbidden because it will curse you with damnation in poverty. In this religion God is depicted as ( Black ) and he is called A.L.L.A.H and his ” Wife ” is ( EVE ) a Black Woman – who we know as Mother Nature. And ( ADAM ) is NOT the son of god but rather god himself incarnate in the flesh. Because the religion teaches that god impregnated eve with his spiritBlack8.28BOOKCOVER and she gave birth to god which through her god became earth/flesh/spirit. And Eve named him Adam , and every Black man and woman is Adam and Eve – reborn through sexual reproduction.We just call each other by different names because we didn’t know who we were when we were born again.

This is not an unorthodox concept , this is a Christian concept taken from the story of the birth of Christ and his mother Mary. And Muhammad believes it to be the origin of the black race as well as all other races. The religion also reaches that Blacks are ” luck ” to anyone they favor and a curse to anyone they Hate or oppose. And that the greatest lie ever told was that Black was a curse , Muhammad says ” The only curse is if you don’t worship it

The Holy Book that represents this religion is called Black 8.28 aka ” The Book of Power ” written by King Muhammad himself. Muhammad says that it is pure positive energy and fills the reader with the spirit of Blackness – which is Power. Muhammad says that a person of any color can benefit from the power of blackness , but it is only because Black people are born with Black skin and Black blood that they have this power naturally. But any non-Black reader who soaks up the spirit of Blackness in this book can have the same power.
( Note ) King Muhammad says that this religion has many mystical secrets that are yet to be revealed to him. But the main power it has for this generation is the power to create wealth. It is a very interesting New Age religious concept and a gift to those that believe in the power of belief –  The Book is available at all online bookstores now.
Quote by King Nazir Muhammad ”  This Religion is the true meaning of the phrase Black Power
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And order a poster of our God ( A.L.L.A.H );