Embracing Change in a Thinking Man’s World.

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It is in working within limits that the master reveals himself
-Goethe (1749-1832)

It is no secret of the many of the greatest successes in the black community have came as a result of the oppressive yokes of bondage; that have been placed around our necks upon the arrival in America. It is also a fact that the more the (oppressors) afflicted us the more we still managed to grow and become productive despite the odds. We are definitely the masters of our destiny and hold the power to give birth to our own realities.

The mere fact that a large proportion of black intellectuals still rely on the false systems of injustice for their sanity; indicates that we still have yet to awaken to our rightful place as Intellectual masters of this earth. Our limitations have only revealed that we belong at the forefront of this Information age construct; and would do well if we could just embrace the necessary change that reinforces our willpower, resolve, and strength as a nation of supreme intellectual beings.

When you’re through changing, you’re through
-Bruce Barton

One of the biggest concepts in America is that you educate yourself, work really hard, and then you high five with your retirement buddies in the sun. Could this be the reason that Americans live shorter life spans verses China, India, and other Eastern Nations? If I am not sure but whatever you do “Never Arrive” You need to be going from glory to glory always having a vision after the vision that is before you.  You are witnessing one of the most profoundBusinessman with smart phone waiting for train changes in our planet that has probably ever taken place.  You are living in a time that others could have only dreamed up considering all the things are possible to get accomplished. Can you accept the fact that you have been born for such a time as this? Do you believe that a divine plan was enacted billions of years ago that placed your arrival in this 21st century plane of existence?

In order to become the Leader that you have been placed here for; and to accomplish even greater works than your past forefathers; then it is essential that you believe the fact that “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON”. You are not reading this by accident and it is you who is being called into this next paradigm of “Great Leadership” that is ready to surface in this new age. You have to believe that you can lead and that means making decisions today that will prepare you for tomorrow’s victories. You have to constantly learn new things and see all experiences as learning experiences; and constantly look for new ways to improve you. By reading this article you are demonstrating the willingness to lead in the face of adversity.      

The men who have done big things are those who were not afraid to attempt big things, who were not afraid to risk failure in order to gain success.
-B.C Forbes

Isn’t it ironic that some of the most successful people are always in the news getting talked about, laughed at and scorned for their lifestyles and manner of talk? What is it that drives humans to lay it all on the lie everytime in hope of risking it all just to pick up the pieces and do it all again? It is very obvious to the distinction America places on the successful individuals of our society versus the unsuccessful ones. Although, this is merely in terms of financial gain successful people truly do think differently from their counter parts. Honestly, I always thought that I was a successful thinker until I realized that I wasn’t producing the same results as those in whom I thought were successful.

I went out my way to avoid the stark realities that tried to influence my thinking; but soon I learned that there was a heavy price to pay for ignorance. Successful people are always thinking terms of relationships, building systems, and creating solutions to solve the world’s most pressing problems. Successful people build the “mental mechanics” of their minds and seek for personal growth and development. Successful people are those who can rule and govern themselves amidst an oppressive system that would try to hold them down. Successful people come from many different walks of life and from many different parts of the earth; but what sets them apart is how they think. If you can change your thinking you can begin to change your community and nations as well.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”
-Anatole France

The Great Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Do you believe that this is your time for a comeback of epic proportions? Can you honestly look defeat square in the face and claim that you are a winner and believe that the best is yet to come? Sure you can as it is evidenced in your reading of this article as mentioned above. If you can honestly look back for a moment over all the things that has taken place in your life good or bad; you might just see that you are in good place. It might not be ideal or circumstantial but nevertheless it’s better than were you came from. We are living in an era where the “intellectual development” of man is more important than anything that is taking place at this moment in history. 

First, you need to find a way to draw upon that power that has been lying dormant all these years and figure out how to put it to good use. You see it is dangerous to awaken a mind too soon; and because now you have matured to accept your role as a leader that power is being awakened.  You have to believe in the impossible and dig deep to uncover the root of that belief system. ”There is dormant in each human being a faculty, whether it is developed or not which will enable that particular individual to succeed if the desire for success is present in his conscious mind.” Edna Ferrell Grabe and Paul C. Ferrell; authors of The Subconscious Speak. 

You’ve got to think about “big things” while you’re doing the small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.
-Alvin Toffler

Staff Writer; Tyrone Brackens

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