Yes, A Black Republican Makes No More Sense Than a Jewish Nazi.

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( “I hear you loud and clear, Barack Obama. You don’t represent the country that I grew up with. And your values is [sic] not going to save us. We’re going to take this country back for the Lord. We’re going to try to take this country back for conservatism. And we’re not going to allow minorities to run roughshod over what you people believe in!” 

Many Black conservatives make the racist claim that Black people shun the Republican Party because the Democratic Party gives them a free ride, and let them sit back on welfare all of their lives. That position is not only idiotic but, ironically, reflective of the actual reason that Black people keep the Republican Party at arms length – because 90% of the Black community is not stupid enough to embrace a philosophy that’s dedicated to the degradation of their own people. We clearly recognize that a Black conservative is the moral and intellectual equivalent of a Jewish Nazi.
So, yes, there’s a very good reason why 90% of Black people vilify Black conservatives. We suspect them of being “bligots” (Black-on-Black racists), because we have three hundred years of experience with such people. Black-Conservative We also recognize that Black people are the product of the very same racist environment as White people. So 10% of the more weak-minded among us are just as racist towards other Black people as the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.

Many businesses and corporations, including the U.S. Postal Service, have recognized, and taken advantage of this fact for many years. They’ll take Black people, with a particular profile that they’ve come to recognize, and make them supervisors and mid-level managers, knowing that they’ll be prone to treat other Black people like dogs. These people will harass, intimidate, and fire other Black people faster than they will any other racial or ethnic group. Thereafter, it’s next to impossible for the victims of their abuse to file discrimination suits against the employer because the abuser is of the same race. I recently had the distasteful experience of having a discussion with a person who fits this profile, and the resulting rant is a graphic reflection of their attitude:
“Since black women are always hollering about black men be responsible and all that I say the same thing. This dude was on tv last week, interviewed on FOX, where he came out of court for child-support case for 22 kids he has. 17 baby mamas bruh. You think I’m mad at the dude? Nope. Not at all. Why? Because a man like that couldn’t exist without sorry females assisting him . . . To give dishonorable females like these the same respect we give Clare Huxtable is to lessen the word ‘mother . . . Black women comes up short, she’s a victim. These women, literally, have made a living off of being professional victims . . . Well it’s not funny when that FICA, MEDICAID, MEDICARE, etc. is taken out of your paycheck to help subsidize these females is it? You work hard while a female comes to WALMART with two shopping carts full of groceries she gets for just laying on her back and squirting out a child who is more likely to turn out to be either a stripper, a criminal, or gay for both genders.
“This is how I know the negro doesn’t hate whitey like he claims, because he couldn’t take me in power. If I was in power, I would never let these genetic anomalies (monkey negroes) get away with this nonsense they get away with. If I was in charge, I’d send tanks down the streets of Chicago and show these “soldiers” what a war really is. Since they like to shoot people with no regard for human life, I’d send special forces in their and give them the war they love so much. And I wouldn’t stop until I laid to rest every last one of these monkeys and then for desert, I’d finish with the sorry mothers who gave birth to them. If my mama was a hoe, she wouldn’t get a free pass either. And Barack is doing what he should be doing for you worthless niggas: absolutely nothing. And I’d have Rudy Giuliani run the entire operation. Oh yes there is a clear divide and I do believe in a class system in which niggas with the mentality of so-called “scholars” serve me like slaves. I would be on you niggas ass so hard that you would beg the white man to bring back slavery.
So you right. Have disdain. Because my kind loathes your kind and be very clear moving forward: we don’t have the same agenda. I support nature and nature dictates the weakest ones don’t survive so I’ll sit back and let nature run its course. It’s quite clear we won’t have to worry about these underachieving monkeys for too much longer. A monkey is not my people, although it seems we live on the planet of the apes. Nigga so freaking dumb, he thinks we put all black women in the same category. Condoleeza Rice is not the same as Shamika with 5 baby daddies. Mae Jemison is not the same as the next hoodrat with 6 baby daddies and no they get no mercy. I lived in projects before. I know what it’s like to be hungry. But do you see me making excuses? Hell no. So no. I ain’t trying to hear that BS you talking. While you make excuses for these hoes, maybe I’ll hire these same hoes to work in my strip club and let’s see what man they follow: me or you. I guarantee it won’t be you. In the words of Triple Six Mafia “Don’t save her she don’t wanna be saved.” lol give this nigga a tampon it’s his time of the month.”
As distasteful as it was, this is one of the most enlightening discussions that I have ever been involved in, and I intend to use excerpts from it extensively in the future. It clearly shows why 90% of all Black people hate Black conservatives, and why such people are toxic to the Black community. These people are so culturally dysfunctional that some in the community actually consider it a birth defect – and Herman Cain seemed to have validated that suspicion in his declaration that he was “A brother from another mother,” in his delusional belief that he represented something other than a manipulated pawn to the Koch brothers.
How can Black conservatives have any self-respect when they look upon Black women, the very womb of the Black culture, as irresponsible bitches and whoes? If you consider your own mother part of a culture of bitches and whores, what does that make you? That represents the epitome of self-hatred. It clearly demonstrates that their minds has been completely overwhelmed by racist attitudes towards their own people, and harbor an abiding need for acceptance by those who view them with amused disgust. In fact, these people tend to be much more racist toward Black people than the vast majority of White people. How do I know that? It’s simple – if most White people were as hostile towards Blacks as the individual above, Herman Cain, Allen West, or Clarence Thomas, Obama certainly wouldn’t have been elected president – twice.
So I don’t feel a bit of guilt with respect to my disgust towards Black conservatives. With most things I feel the need to be constantly reassess my attitude for objectivity. But when it comes to Black conservatives, like most Black people, I’ve always looked upon them with disgust, and I’m sure I always will – and I’m quite comfortable with that.
Up until now, however, my attitude has always been generalized and unfocused. I simply saw them as brainwashed, or self-serving, fools. But the discussion above has brought clarity to my attitude. It’s validated my belief that the majority of these people are not only self-hating bigots towards your own people, but they’re idiots as well.
Thus, for the very first time I understand how these people can support a Black-hating agenda masquerading as “fiscal responsibility.” The vast majority of them are simply ignorant – period.  A perfect example of that is Bishop E.W. Jackson, a clergyman turned politician who’s running as a Republican for Lt. Governor of Virginia. Now, this guy is supposed to be a learned man of God, yet, he misspelled one of the most important words in Christianity – “Commandments” – and not simply as a typo in the inside of his book, BUT ON THE FRONT COVER! And one of his Black conservative colleagues cosigned on Pat Robertson’s contention that the Earthquake in Haiti was the result of the Haitian people making a deal with the Devil! 
So now, if there ever was, there’s no longer any doubt in my mind, the vast majority of these Black conservatives are charter members of their own version of the KKK- the Klueless Klux Klan.

Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
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