President Obama’s Economic Advisors Setting Him For Defeat.

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( President Obama’s economic advisors are setting him for an October disaster in the vein of the  Bush collapse of 2008.  It is bewildering, but not surprising that certain basis steps were not taken to correct the  US economy’s inevitable 2012 early Fall collapse which will dwarf the September 2008 collapse of Wall Street. (It is impossible to observe what is going on in China, India, and Europe and not see this as an unavoidable fact in the way that anyone on the inside of the auto industry or Wall Street in in 2008 knew a collapse of both had to occur.) 

This will result in President Obama not being re-elected as it resulted in President Bush becoming the poster boy for political failure par excellence.  The sad part is that this all could have been and can be avoided if the President would shun the advice of his top economic gurus and took his case and some common sense initiatives directly to the people for swift implementation.

I am an expert and university lecturer in the areas of terrorism, international politics, Black economics, and domestic violence, and I follow have a one thing burned in my consciousness-the experts usually have zero common sense and are most often wrong.  It was Harvard and Yale “genuises” that planned the $3 trillion disaster that is the Iraq war, ran FEMA at the Hurrican Katrina disaster, and designed the disasterous Ponzi scheme that led to the compete collapse of Wall Street and the countries or Iceland, Greece, and Spain.  It is insane  anyone, much less the President would give a shred of credence to anything these people would say, yet he inexplicably does. 
The President should abandon these people and sit down and talk to the regular folk, business people, and entertainers that I deal with on a daily basis from Detroit, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, and North Carolina.  Despite the wide swath of American these people represent, not one of them has any faith in the President’s economic policies or America period.  The 2 things that all these people have in common outside of the loss of faith is they are all ardent supporters of the President, and not one of them is African American (with the exception of myself). However, I like them, love the President, but reject his economic policies for good reason.  It is not a day that goes by that I don’t talk to my friends and associates in China, Germany, India, and Australia and hear nothing but economic advancement, hope, and positive energy while experiencing exactly opposite of that when I talk to Americans from every corner and background in the US.
In May the entire US economy created 69,000 jobs for a country of 313 million people, there is one much needed project in a battleground state that is desperately needed for purposes of national security that would create that many jobs alone, and yet has not even been started. This despite the President having the ability start the project with the stroke of a pen.  I can name atleast 4 other much needed job creating no brainers that the President could intiate tommorrow that would add a minimum of $500 million in economic activity each to the battleground states of Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida in a week.
The residual effect would be creating several hundred thousand jobs directly and sustaining atleast 2 million jobs in the private sector without 1 government dollar spent.  The bonus is that it would lead to millons of eligible African Americans, youth, middle class, Latino, and women registering and voting for the President’s re-election rather than doing what I am going to do and sit out the election. A top aides to the President are aware of the opportunities, yet have taken no action to get details of the plans even as they attempt to sell the same old econmic song and dance to the American public daily.  Talk and rhetoric is no substitute for a job and a paycheck.
The bottom line is that the past 3.5 years have been hell for the average American from the mountains of the Carolinas to the deserts of Nevada, and to the streets of Detroit-unnecessarily so due to the elitist track of the Obama administration. At the end of the day the average American can only reach the conclusion that DC just does not care about their plight.  The government bails out the scammers that created the Pyramid scheme that collapse the economy with the money of the people that these very bankers are throwing out into the street. 
The government says that the system has to  work this way in order for us to have a banking system-a complete and total LIE.  Here is the proof, since 2008 the US has had over 400 bank failures with thousands of branches, Canada has had ZERO.  Zero bank failures, no housing crisis, no bailouts, yet the country is humming right along as a free and Democratic entity.  So the the argument that in order to have a thriving economy requires that the powers that be must run a theftocracy defies the facts of the Canada that exists real world.  President Obama has a simple choice to make, take the reins of his administration’s economic policy, and then take direct ACTION on policy and JOB CREATION, or ironically be placed in the same category as his predecessor George W. Bush-how sad…
Staff Writer; Jerome Almon
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