What Do You Know, Yes About Being a Woman.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Dear Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and all male members of Congress and state legislatures across the country.

It is with great concern and consternation that I must ask all of you, and please feel free to reply, “What do you know about being a woman.

Nothing I suppose.

So let me enlighten you.

What do you know about being told from the time you are born what you have is special, different, the cradle of life and must be protected. What do you know about learning the proper way to care for yourself as a wee toddler; that front to back is really better than back to front even though it’s weird to you that way. What do know about learning to love and take care of that which you cannot see, or don’t really take a good glimpse at until your first frightened signs of blood or heaven forbid the first time your girlfriends urge you too; Sex and the City anyone.

Men against contraception, birth control and women enjoying the nub of nerve bundles that allows them to act just like a man while being all woman, what do you know about learning your own power? The first time you make an onlooker say damn. The first time you feel an invited rise to attention. Or what  do you know about your own lack of power? The first time uninvited remarks make you feel uncomfortable and dirty and depending on how derogatory ashamed. What do you know about an uninvited closing in on your personal space so quickly you feel scared and alarmed and your mind immediately thinks:

“Every 2 minutes someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. 1 in 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime”

Men, What do you know about being a woman?

Men when you begin to soil your sheets at night thinking of pretty pink virgin flowers you’re urged to sow your oats and get some experience before plowing into the one you love and fucking it up. What do you know about being a woman? About the first moments when you feel your budding sexuality and want to share it with someone? What do you know about being a woman? About having nerve enough to protect you and your partner when he may not want to or you’re to scared to ask anyone for help in these matters except your equally confused friends.

Men, What do you know about being a woman? About the joys of becoming a woman yet the fear of consequences that come with them. What do you know about praying for a period so you never have to give life to the words, “What will I do if I’m pregnant. I’m not ready to have a baby.” Men, what do you know about being 16, 17 or even 18 and pregnant or even younger than that and making a decision that’s not as easy as insert here and rise and grind?

Men, what do you know about laying on cold exam tables, feet in stirrups and the fear of God rumbling in your belly as an OB/GYN you’ve just met looks around your lady parts with a cold speculum and what feels like clippers looking for a good piece of tissue to examine more closely to make sure your day time, night time, morning time, noon time fun hasn’t turned into something that written on paper is foreign or worse yet is called by its acronym?

Men, you may know a lot of women. You may have seen and run through a lot of women. You may have even married or have been married to women and had daughters. Or you have sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers all greatly influencing your lives. But none of these connections, not even to your wife make you know what it is to be a woman.

Our ovaries are ours. The eggs they keep are ours to decide whether they shall be implanted in the uterus awaiting your sperm or exiting on the first Keep the Babies Away express train that’s running from uterus, to tampon to toliet for the next 3 to 7 days.

Men of American politics, you don’t know anything about being a woman. Your ideological beliefs on birth control are invalid for the simple fact you’ve never popped a pill at the same time every day, implanted a nuva ring with your nimble fingers, taken a Depo shot and gained weight, or struggled with the thought of still using condoms in a committed relationship. Men of American politics you can’t speak to the pros or cons of abortion. You can’t say it or contraception damages American family values. You can’t impose your personal beliefs about faith upon others who do not agree.

Hi, I’m Catholic and I use birth control. The church’s stance on the matter to use Natural Family Planning instead of hormonal drugs to regulate the number of children brought into the world is progressive by the Catholic Church’s stance but it is antiquated in American society where birth control has been a settled fact of life, family planning and most of all private and privileged conversation for decades.

Men of American politics, you don’t care whether I use birth control or get an abortion or end up on a reality show with eight babies by in vitro fertilization. You don’t care. Your far right leaning speeches preaching ideological purity are not about me at all. Frankly, they are about another man who likewise doesn’t care what happens with me and my ovaries, fallopian tubes and all other natural equipment that allow me to procreate or not. Men you simply don’t care. You just want to win an election and are using women to do so.


You don’t know anything about being a woman and until you do you should refrain from attacks on our reproductive system that I’m sure if any of you were to impregnate a woman like me would be looking for the nearest center to rid your life of your black bastard that could end your career.

Men of American politics, you don’t know anything about being a woman. Stop acting like you do and find another social/moral issue to fight over because this one will only get you lost votes, lost elections, and a return to political obscurity.

What do you know about being a woman?

Staff Writer; Nikesha Leeper

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